Which video card

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Proxi, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Proxi

    Proxi Veteran

    I have been playing way too much Skyrim lately with HQ texture mods and it has been burning through my VRAM. I currently have a GTX 560 TI and not enough VRAM. I'm planning to upgrade to a 670 GTX. I'm looking at two specific cards and both are the same price. I don't plan to OC the video card. Which one should I get?

    1.) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130824


    Core Clock 1006MHz
    Boost Clock 1084MHz
    Memory Size 4GB

    2.) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130785


    Core Clock 967MHz
    Boost Clock 1046MHz
    Memory Size 4GB
    Backplate Included

    Choice 1 has slightly better clock speeds but choice 2 has a backplate but at lower clock speeds.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2013
  2. rguitar87

    rguitar87 Guest

    The backplate version would be a plus if you plan to overclock it yourself, all it adds is an extra heatsink on the back.

    Get the superclocked version, it should run beautifully on stock settings and has no need for a backplate with no OC'ing done.
  3. The FTW+ model looks to have a backplate on it as well though. And I am pretty sure the FTW models are higher binned so it should overclock better.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2013
  4. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    1st 670 ftw
  5. I got the 670 MSI one ... did some benchmarks over my 560 ti and double my 3dmark 11 score :)
  6. 1st Card.
  7. get the FTW, like enigma said i think its binned higher and will likely OC to at least the clock speeds, if its really that important to you.

    to bad skyrim doesnt support physx
  8. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    First card. That card wasn't out when I got the 2nd one. It was just being talked about. As long as the price is the same go for the FTW model I would say. Check overclocking forums for those cards results when OC'd. You'll find a lot of people that mention those cards play skyrim as it is one of the only games I can think of that could possibly eat through 4 Gb of VRAM on a single monitor, and, it is totally worth it. Skyrim is fucking gorgeous with every possible high res texture mod you can find. It appears as though the FTW model comes with a backplate.

    Just looking around quickly it appears as though the FTW model is quite the OCer compared to the regular model.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2013
  9. Proxi

    Proxi Veteran

    Thanks for all the input. I placed my order last night and I can't wait to get it! I'm looking forward to loading as many HQ texture mods as possible in Skyrim once I get my new video card. :drool:
  10. i might have to do the same with my new 670 as well