Whats up Xen

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by mebard, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. Whats up folks not sure how many old folks are left but i figured i would step in and say HI. Hope things are going good in the Xen i sure do miss playing with a lot of you folks. Anything good going on now days?
  2. Hi there. Im just chuggin along. Seems harder to find time to play these days.
  3. Hey man. What's up. Same ole same ole. I think the things that may or may not interest you would be Q being appointed XO of XoO. People are trying to get a new minecraft server up with the Feed the beast modpack. PS2 is coming out soon and GW2 is still going. A few of us are playing WarZ a new zombie, FPS MMO type game like DayZ and that is about it recently.
  4. about time Q steps up and take command of XOO and have been playing minecraft on single player looking for a good server to play on
  5. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    hey mebs :) good to see you. Hope you'll come and play minecraft with us when vankras and i get a server set up (ill leave all the hard work to van, otherwise i might accedentally blow up the server).
  6. Hey man, come play PS2 with us if you don't have a funny accent.

    (to those born devoid of humour, that was a joke)
  7. I thought you just meant that we already have plenty of people with a funny accent.
  8. always cool to see an old name pop up in the forums..(waves)

    Ill be back in pS2 too..after beta....and lag permitting
  9. firestarsolo

    firestarsolo Clever trickster

  10. Glad to see you are back boss. What game are you going to be playing?
  11. Jarien

    Jarien Veteran Crowfall Member

    Thought I would just say SUP
  12. [​IMG]
  13. dash

    dash Guest

    Hey mebs!!