What would you recommend

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by lioka pelenoria, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. for the minimum wattage that a power supply have to power a pentium 4 chip? the reason is im trying to build a p4 based computer out of old parts and i think I dont have a powersupply strong enough for it.
  2. I would think at least 450, but this isn't my area of expertise.
  3. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    250-350 watts depending on your other system components and P4 generation. Northwood P4s maxed out at about 90w, Williamettes a bit lower, and I believe Prescotts reached 130w. All things considered, you won't reach these limits unless you're doing some heavy crunching.

    Lots of Dells in the Williamette generation ran 250 watt PSU's. I ran Northwoods on 350 and up to 550.
  4. K, i'll shoot for 400 then
  5. Turns out I had a bad processor actually, I swapped the new processor out for an older P4 (which btw is faster) and that processor worked. Im Installing ubuntu on that computer as I type this.

    Also seems that the 250w power supply I have is not compatible with the motherboard without a converter for the 12v power on the board.
  6. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    You can find those pretty cheap.
  7. im still using a p4 :( 2 gigs 512 meg vid...450 watts runs it fine.
  8. I finished building it on saturday. It has 3.2ghz p4, 1.5gb ram, 60gb harddrive and pretty much cost me $120 to build, technically $70 as I got the processor and case for free at a yard sale, the mobo and the powersupply from a store, the optical drive, the ram, Video card (128mb radeon 9600se, it desperately needs an upgrade) and the HDD from an old emachine (which I should have salvaged parts off of, it had a good dvd drive, case, power supply, and probably processor, but the motherboard got fried by a powersurge).
  9. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    That's funny. A few months back I sold my old P4 2.8, 1 GB of ram, and an Abit motherboard for about $100. There are still buyers for old P4's.
  10. strigoi

    strigoi Guest

    heck, i just got a new quad core, and its only using a 460watt psu.
  11. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    Quads use like 130 max.
  12. speaking of recommendations, i need a good AGP videocard, simply because the mobo i used in that computer doesn't have pci express. I currently have a radeon 9600 se in it, and it's showing it's age in world of warcraft