What ships to buy?

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Chat' started by Mishka, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    Hello! I was considering maybe getting into Star Citizen together with XoO, but I'm unsure what ship to get.

    I was looking at this https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Mustang-Alpha But I'm not sure whether its good, or what the insurance thingy means :/

    Of course, if there are better packages (looking for something under 100 dollars atleast)
  2. JakeTehPwner

    JakeTehPwner Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Avenger is a good pickup.
  3. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

  4. If you continue to think like this you'll end up broke. :D

    The Avenger is a very good pickup, I would consider the 315P though as it does have a jump drive and will be a good all around ship to start making a profit on day 1.
  5. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Or you could buy a Freelancer =]
  6. Miir

    Miir Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    All ships are priced to make you buy one and want the next upgrade. (Chris Roberts I hate you)

    It's better to ask what style of play you are looking for. Combat, Cargo, Exploration, a little of everything?

    If you are looking for an entry level ship for combat. I'd go:

    I like the look of the Avenger and the price point. But I'm not sure I would call it a full blown combat ship because of it's cargo space. However it would give you more options for play style. (bounty hunting, cargo transport etc)

    Slightly out of the $100 price range: (Top picks for combat)



    Finally insurance. None of these are new ships. So they currently only come with the standard hull insurance (6 months) not LTI (life time insurance). At this point you can spend a bit more money on the grey market and buy one if you really want LTI. http://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/
    They've said many times hull insurance won't be hard to get in game. Even if you buy a ship now you can always sell it for store credits if another new entry level ship comes out with LTI in the next year.
    s o k a r likes this.
  7. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    That is my biggest problem :p
  8. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    I certainly am more interested in the combat planes, as it looks incredibly fun :) So ill PROBABLY settle for Gladius or Hornet then :)
  9. Any ship can do "well" in combat. If you choose a "fighter" you have less flexibility to do other things, because they are generally smaller with power plants designed specifically for weapons and shields, with maneuverability in mind and shorter travel distances.

    Let me expand:
    The 315P is probably the best all around ship IMHO, and is an excellent starting point. You get a jump engine (used to travel through Jump Points,) cargo space (this is still being worked on,) and enough guns and missiles to hold your own.

    After taking the time to understand where the game is headed, the 315P could be the ship you use everyday in the PU, while ships like the Hornet would sit in the hanger or Idris for special occasions.
  10. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    Oooooh :p Okay, thank you! I will definitely put that into consideration! :) As I am a "scrub" who's only knowledge of this game is that it looks cool :D So I guess the 315 you mentioned would be more suitable, and maybe I'll look into a fighter at a later date ;)
    FriendlyFire likes this.
  11. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Two points to consider :

    1) Group play
    If you're playing with a guild, you will not be alone on your own.
    Which means, you don't have to own a ship that can do a little of everything.
    If you like fighting, you can take a dedicated fighter, and you will make money with guildies by protecting their cargo ships. Some of them have already invested in those money makers.
    You could also accept such jobs from other players in the game or even NPCs.
    (Players will only represent 5 to 10% of the global population, the rest being NPC doing their jobs such as trading, exploring, protection, etc ... )

    Likewise, if you invest in cargo-oriented ships, you will need protection if you really want to make money with them.

    2) This is alpha.
    If you take an all-around ship, you may wait a while before really having fun with it. Tentative release date is 2016.
    In the meantime, you can fight in Arena Commander or do races.
    But you'll get slaughtered in dogfights if you don't have a top dogfighter.
    And you'll get left in the dust if you don't have a racer ship in races.

    So, it is a balance between solo/group play and now/2016.

    In order to better advise you, we need to know what kind of gameplay you lean towards, and if you want to have fun now or in 2016.

    Anyways, welcome to the party.
    Glad to see another euro-based player :)
  12. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    I do definitely want to try out the game now. So if the game comes out on 2016, I should maybe consider getting a Fighter now, and eventually get another ship for launch that I can use when I'm not fighting/escorting :D
  13. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Exploring Ships
    Aurora ES (The basic entry level ship you can begin exploring the verse with. The package is the best way to get the game without a big investment)
    Aurora LX (This is the next step up that comes with a jump engine and a few other improvements.)
    315P (This is a great single crew explorer for a bit more money you get a jump engine, jump scanner and tractor beam.)
    Freelancer DUR (Great two crew explorer ship with lots of cargo space and defensive capabilities)
    Constellation Aquila (Great three person crew ship with advanced sensors, rover, scanners, expanded fuel and full jump abilities)
    Carrack (Has not been released yet. Best potential explorer.)

    Transport Ships
    Aurora models (Can carry some cargo and can be upgraded with the big box to carry more cargo.)
    Avenger (Twice as much cargo compared to the Aurora base model with more speed and combat capabilities.)
    Cutlass (Combat capable and can carry a lot of cargo)
    Starfarer (Fuel transport ship)
    Freelancer /Freelancer MAX (Excellent two person ship that is very efficient as a transport ship with lots of cargo space.)
    Constellation Taurus (More cargo space then other constellation variants and the freelancer with more crew spaces and more combat abilities.)
    Caterpillar (Very modular, lots of cargo space and very upgrade-able)
    Merchantman (Awesome transport ship)
    Hull C (Huge hauler that carries 9000 cargo, not yet released)

    Combat Focused Ships
    Aurora MR or LN (Basic combat starting ship)
    Mustang (Combat focused starter ship that is agile)
    Avenger (Good all around combat capable ship)
    325A (Fast and powerful ship)
    Gladius (Great combat ship)
    Gladiator (Good bomber)
    F7C Hornet and Variants (my favorite and has a lot of fire power)
    Redeemer (Big multi crew powerful combat ship)
    Constellation Andromeda (Has a ton of firepower; excellent multi crew combat ship)
    Retalliator (Huge powerful bomber)
    Idris (Huge Frigate class combat ship; nuff said)