Chronicles of Elyria We have a Duke!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Ani, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    There has not been a lot of information coming out from Chronicles of Elyria as of late.

    We are still recruiting and working with integrating well within the kingdom we chose while still retaining what makes us XoO.

    One big update is of course that our very own @arcanmene has chosen to pledge to the $3,000 mark to become a Duke!

    What does this mean? Well for those of you who have not joined the CoE usergroup (shame on you) a duke is explained as:
    "Dukes set laws/taxes for their duchy, and are responsible for paying dues to their king. They're also responsible for law enforcement, military, and the defense of their duchy. They manage the Strongholds / Castles / Outposts, they assign sheriffs to each of the counties, and they appoint judges to the courthouses of the cities. They can use their map to keep track of crime rates and the sizes of their defensive structures, and in war, the dukes raise their armies and lead them into battle."

    How much land does a duke rule over? A duchy can have THOUSANDS of players/npcs in it.
    Still cant picture it? How about a graphical representation! (blue is continent: green is kingdom, yellow is duchy orange is county) Thank you to @Snowman for making this.

    Obviously that means we will be needing A LOT of people.

    If you do not know what CoE is then you really need to join the usergroup, hop into teamspeak, and join the discord.

    If you do know what CoE is but are worried that it isnt the game for you then you really need to join the usergroup, hop into teamspeak, and join the discord!

    This game at its core is a player driven semi-survival mmo. That means PvP and a lot of it. Yeah, we dont know the specifics yet.

    But Arc and Myself trust enough into this to put in more than $6,000 dollars for members of XoO to have a place to play in this game. The least you can do is check it out.

    Please stay tuned for a date for the division roundup!
    Varitas likes this.
  2. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Very Cool!!! All Hail Duke Arc!
  3. *twitch*
  4. But but more Star Citizen ships
  5. Nice
  6. Whammy

    Whammy Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Officer

    how many Counts do we have for the duke?
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
  7. duke duke duke duke of earl duke duke duke of earl duke duke duke of earl
  8. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    Right now the only pledged counts in arcs duchy are snowman and keeper
  9. none of those packs come with free keys eh? ill be checking it out once beta is closer just too swamped with BDO