Archeage WAR's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by WAR, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. WAR

    WAR Guest

    How old are you?:
    In-Game Name:
    Do you have TS3 and a working mic?:
    Where did you hear about us?:
    Archeage Forums
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    World of Warcraft
    Star Wars the Old Republic
    Elder Scrolls Online

    Clan Magnus Legio (Mainly PS2 and RUST)
    Localization (NA/EU/Oceanic):
    What class/role will you take up in game?:
    I plan to be playing as a Healer, Tank and DPS but for PVP mainly a Ranged DPS
    What is your current highest level character?:
    Do you currently own a copy of the game?:
    Activity Level (in Hours):
    Have you joined the usergroup?:
  2. WAR

    WAR Guest

    In my Profile it will show that im 18 that is incorrect i am 16 as said in this application post wasnt trying to decieve or anything just used to putting 1996 birth because of steam not allowing certain games sorry if this was an inconvenience
  3. Hi,

    As stated, we are a mature 18+ community, im willing to allow the application to go through for an interview.
    Do not we might go a bit harder on you since you are <18. Its a measurement and exceptions can be made.

    Next - if you to get accepted - we would really really really love if you could buy the game, headstart is so valuable, even if you are not going to roll with us, those 4 days will get you a massive advantage over everybody else.

    Anyway, TS info sent!
  4. Gauntlet

    Gauntlet Veteran

    Denied. Age Requirement.