Warhammer online

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by fritzmanowns, Aug 1, 2008.

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  1. fritzmanowns

    fritzmanowns Guest

    Warhammer online is coming out soon so i was wondering if any one who has played the beta could give me a quick review on it because i want know if i should pre-order it or not. If you could do this for me it would be awesome. idk if any one who has played it is allowed to but if you could.
  2. Any responce to this that isn't joking around/fake/etc. is in violation the NDA and will result in that member of the beta being severely punished.

  3. Leache

    Leache Guest

  4. I am in the beta.

    This is all I can say =P
  5. Ding

    Ding Member

    Wot 's dis Waaaghhamma?
  6. Retsah

    Retsah Veteran

  7. Sylux

    Sylux Guest

    I fail.
  8. you clicked, didn't you?
  9. The only problem i have playing warhammer is that im afraid that ill be to far behind even when it releases.. :(
  10. XShrike

    XShrike Guest

  11. fritzmanowns

    fritzmanowns Guest

    o well i dont want to get any one in trouble :/ My bad
  12. I think to be on the safe side this should be closed... (was reported)
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