Warhammer 40K MMO

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Slares, May 5, 2009.

  1. Slares

    Slares Member

  2. It makes me die inside that it's not an MMOFPS.
  3. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    Where did you read that? That blows. :( With the heavy reliance on vehicles and ranged, it would make the perfect FPS, and probably a pretty good MMOFPS, if done right.

    I really liked Dawn of War, so hopefully they will capture that same feel.

    At least a real company is developing it and not some jackass garage company.
  4. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    I wouldn't count on that date just yet that was a fiscal year release date so that means publisher not developer.
    I got my eye on this one as well but if it's just another game where I stand around hitting hot keys for hours I will probably pass.
  5. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    Vigil is the one developing it, but THQ bought them. So in my view, THQ is developing it heheheh.
  6. Kythas

    Kythas Veteran

    In a previous interview the basically said "It will be a WoW clone." Least that is what I heard :p

  7. If THQ develops it, it will be very well done. I'm looking forward to this!
  8. There is almost no information out about the game. The only thing that the company has said officially about it is that it will have the single most customization ever.
  9. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    Hey wait, isn't the world supposed to end in 2012? On December 21st or so?

    They should move up that date some... Screw WWE.
  10. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    I was just thinking that as well, what is it this time thats blowing us up? a meteor or a mayan curse or something?

    Anyway, I hope they reconsider the whole fps thing and go something along the lines of planetside, that would totally rule. Though tbh, if they did it in a similar-ish style to what Tabula Rasa did, that wouldnt be too bad i guess.
  11. I've heard its going to be Yellowstone's super volcano. =P
    I dont think there was any curse, but it's the end of the mayan long count calender. and no one really knows what that will mean o_O
    Some think its when the aliens that helped build the pyramid will return. some also think that those aliens are actually people from the lost city of atlantis

    but who knows =)
  12. It will probably be WAR 40k MMO. It will be so amazing that everyone will stop doing their daily routines, going to work, etc and play therefore bringing the world to a halt and causing chaos(no pun intended) to fall upon the earth!
  13. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    Those crafty Mayans... They know whats up. They probably knew the druids who built Stonehenge (which we all know was just terrain for a Games Workshop game). Back then, they used life sized figs and big dice made of skulls. The Mayans were just extrapolating the inevitability of a 40k game bringing down the world. Spot on, I say!
  14. Slares

    Slares Member

    Haha awesome ideas. I really really want this to be good. I play the tabletop as Night Lords Chaos Space Marines and Tau I hope both are in the game lol.
  15. I wanted SO bad to get into the table top games, but it just looked way too complicated and expensive. but man it looked amazing. all the figurines are soo cool.
    this mmo is big on my list if they can pull it off
  16. Slares

    Slares Member

    The biggest thing is the cost of the models after thats its a pretty easy game to learn.
  17. I think I've read almost every 40k novel out there. I love the universe and have been waiting for this game since the rumors began that they would start it.
  18. Blackwolf99

    Blackwolf99 Guest

    Yeah the universe is extremely cool and very deep. I've been into it ever since Rogue Trader in the 80's. I was around 12 years old reading about this crap lol.

    As far as tabletop gaming goes, yes the first obstacle is the investment but the game itself isn't that complicated. The reason Games Workshop is even in business is because it costs so much to field an army. My big problem is the painting. I've painted so many god damn minis that if I paint another one, I'll slit my wrists no joke. Luckily other tabletop games are becoming very popular because of the prepainted minis. I've been playing AT-43 lately cuz I don't have to paint anything hehe.
  19. Slares

    Slares Member

    Lol I love the painting and customization its one of my favorite parts.
  20. Magonis

    Magonis Guest

    i though at-43 was discontuied do to the game makers went out of bunisness (sorry for the bad spelling)

    and i have read a ton of the 40k books and get just about all of the ones written by william king or dan abnett, i really love the gaunts ghost series though the last book was pretty bad.