
Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Roch The Shaman, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Free game you get from Steam, i have put in about 3 hours on it so far and it seems pretty fun. only tried out one of the types of char but it has solid gameplay and nice graphics. If anyone downloads it tell me and we can play together, like i said its free and its a good way to kill a few min or spend a couple of hours

    looks like in the future they will have clans and clan wars to control parts of the solar system so maybe it could become a good pvp game for XoO dunno have to see how things pan out
  2. Paramecium

    Paramecium Member

    I've played about the same amount. I'm down to level with you.
  3. add me RochTheShaman

    btw i work from from 11pm to 7am cst and then im up after that for a couple of hours so if you cant play in the mornings then i guess we will never be together
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2013
  4. Paramecium

    Paramecium Member

    We've got about 7-10 playing now, we usually make a temporary channel at the bottom of teamspeak when we are online. I'll add you to my contacts in game so we can get you into the sessions.
  5. Rumor

    Rumor Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Rumors in game here. Tried it out with Rookie (Wildrookie) the other night. It's pretty fun.
  6. Im RochTheShaman like I said, i keep getting the restricted NAT message....if anyone knows how to fix it please tell me. I have a belkin router and gone in to open the ports but it didnt work =/
  7. Paramecium

    Paramecium Member

    I think Kalverin hs the same message. It should not prevent you from playing with people just hosting games will be a problem. I sent you both friend and guild invites
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2013
  8. So anyone want to make our own clan? I never see anyone on in the clan I am in now.
  9. So i made a clan, whisper me in game if you would like an invite
  10. Bogatyr

    Bogatyr Guest

    if anyone still plays my ign is bogy
  11. Raelinoith

    Raelinoith Minecraft Know-It-All

    Ign ChaoticInfinity. I roll with a friend though.
  12. Burzak

    Burzak Veteran

    Still playing Warframe guys?
  13. snagglefox

    snagglefox Snagglefox [Sehkk] Final Fantasy Member

    Anyone play warframe still? Just started again.
  14. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    Decided to necro this thread because it's about the only mmo on steam that's retained a high playerbase and high reviews. Christ the thing is 6th right now on Top Games by Current Players at 43,118 players, TF2 is 48k and GTA is 47k for comparison. The new update just hit so it's gained a massive influx and if you haven't played it for a few years they've changed a lot. Even TotalBiscuit and his crew came back in like January and was impressed.

    It's reached a new all-time peak of 68,530 at 11am EST yesterday (the 12th).....I just noticed that....So Warframe is back on top it seems....
  15. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    Figured id message, not exactly regular on these boards but come to check now and then see whats happening.
    Warframe does indeed have a large player base and credit to the devs, they work hard to improve it on a regular basis. I enjoy jumping on it now and then and getting a good group going means you can work together to focus on part collecting, running those tricker missions you need out of the way etc

    If anyone does want to tag up, feel free to drop me a message.
  16. Capnoverkill

    Capnoverkill Veteran

    Since there are XoO people playing Warframe, it would be awesome playing with you guys. I have like 2k hours invested in this game, always something to do after big updates. If anyone is interested in playing together, hit me up in game, IGN : Capn0verkill