Archeage Unchained Vince's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Vince, Oct 12, 2019.

  1. Vince

    Vince Xoobie AAU Member

    How old are you?:
    Do you have a working mic?:
    Are you aware that we prefer you to be in comms (Discord/TS) while in game at the very least when doing guild activities? (Don’t have to be talking, can be on mute)::
    What experiences do you have with being part of a guild/team in MMO games/online games in general?:
    World of Warcraft - Lead pally healer (WOTLK-Cataclysm), FFXIV crafter and primary funder for guild housing and airship for Order of the Lotus, Legacy Archeage member of Song of Ice and Fire and ran operations together with XoO, DVS, etc. Had my own independent gang of trade pack trader back in Archeage days as well.
    What experiences do you have within Archeage if any? Been apart of any large achievements?:
    Allied actions against Laughing Coffin and Auroria operations as part a member of XoO's allied guild, Hasla operations as well.
    Are you aware that as a guild, on launch we will be playing as a guild and doing things for the guild to get ahead of our competitors and make OUR guild members life easier in the long run?:
    Are you a lone wolf player or team player? explain::
    Team player. I am aware of what I want to achieve, how much time I can invest, my shortcomings and limitations, and acknowledged the fact that in order to be more effective and achieve something, being part of a team is essential.
    Do you have any idea on what class/professions you would like to play?:
    Farmer + Cook/Healer
    How many hours will you be able to play per week, knowing that we ask for at least 20-ish hours a week (unless you have personal reasons. We aren't satans here we understand you have a life…..maybe?):
    more or less 20~ hours
    What time zone / time do you tend to play?:
    Sydney (GMT +11)
    Where did you hear about XOO? Discord/Forums/Person (whom?):
    Part of a guild allied with XoO in Naima
    Why would you like to join Xen of Onslaught?:
    Looking to be part of a large-organized group of people who values cooperation to achieve mutual goals.
    Have you applied to join the USER GROUP?:
    Join the discord here:
  2. Toepeka

    Toepeka Toepeka ( Daniel ) AAU Member

    Hey mate, let someone know in the discord when you're free for a chat!
  3. Toepeka

    Toepeka Toepeka ( Daniel ) AAU Member

    Accepted and on probation!