Archeage Unchained Vianti's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Vianti, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. Vianti

    Vianti Guest

    How old are you?:
    Do you have a working mic?:
    Are you aware that we prefer you to be in comms (Discord/TS) while in game at the very least when doing guild activities? (Don’t have to be talking, can be on mute)::
    What experiences do you have with being part of a guild/team in MMO games/online games in general?:
    I've played many MMOs for a good number of years. Aion for 3, AA for almost 2, B&S for 3 -- I'm very familiar with guilds and raids and things.
    What experiences do you have within Archeage if any? Been apart of any large achievements?:
    I played AA very regularly for around 1-2 years, wasn't in a major guild at the time though.
    Are you aware that as a guild, on launch we will be playing as a guild and doing things for the guild to get ahead of our competitors and make OUR guild members life easier in the long run?:
    Are you a lone wolf player or team player? explain::
    I'm a healer main in any MMO that allows it. :p So definitely not a lone wolf, I like to do the thing where you keep other people from dying.
    Do you have any idea on what class/professions you would like to play?:
    Healer! Probably going to level as confessor and then set-up doombringer for raid PvP, but I'll obviously change/level skillsets as needed depending on the content.
    How many hours will you be able to play per week, knowing that we ask for at least 20-ish hours a week (unless you have personal reasons. We aren't satans here we understand you have a life…..maybe?):
    Definitely at least 20, but likely around ~50. I don't have a lot of other things to do most days so I should have relatively open availability and will usually be able to come on for anything important.
    What time zone / time do you tend to play?:
    Where did you hear about XOO? Discord/Forums/Person (whom?):
    Spoke to Darktide, and XoO used to be on my server back in the day. [I'm Vianti#5471 on disc]
    Why would you like to join Xen of Onslaught?:
    XoO is a familiar name and I know they used to be a big guild back on Naima. ^^ Seems like a strong choice, and I enjoy the randomizing of guilds at the start. Hopefully it'll be easy to make a lot of new friends.
  2. Toepeka

    Toepeka Toepeka ( Daniel ) AAU Member


    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Approved and on Probation.