Veteran Ranks

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. I fixed the inactive thing.

    Your join date. When the new forums came back up you took a few days to get back online and registered. You would have received your award when your time arrives.
    Join Date - 06-27-2008
  2. Still enjoying my current title much better :)

  3. Ahh sorry, I didnt actually look at the date properly, i thought i signed up as soon as they were available. My bad :eek: :eek:ook:

    Anyway, thanks for sorting it :D
  4. Thanks for the title :)
  5. Where is my vet title :(
  6. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    u have enough effing titles xami LOL

    love u and miss u tho!

    (no homo)
  7. i have to wait four days.... WTB old forum join dates
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  8. can i get NAVY SEAL as a title? :p
  9. I joined 3 years ago yesterday :(
  10. More like three years ago six years ago hep.
  11. 2/19/06 word up son.
  12. XOLDIE's
  13. XENFATER! ............ ?
  14. that is true
  15. Binary

    Binary Veteran

    weee me tooo !! Time really flew past so quickly.....
  16. I'm pretty sure I've been here for more than three years. I would like the veteran title please.
  17. Sucks to be me :( I go AFK for a bit and this happens.... /grumbles.
  18. Same. We should start our own club with poker, beer, and hookers. No veterans allowed.
  19. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

    3+ years? cool 1 more year to go for me lol