Other (not listed) Varitas Christmas Game Giveaways!!!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Varitas, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Merry Christmas XoO Members!!!

    I have reached deep into my bag of free steam games and pulled out lots of great goodies!!! All you have to do is reply to this post for a chance to win a free game for Christmas!!! If there is only a few entry's then you will win multiple games! If there is a specific game you want add that to your post for an increased chance of getting that specific game.

    Some of the games that will be given away:

    Das Tal
    Pre-Civilization Egypt
    Legends Of Callasia: The Stoneborne
    Luke Sidewalker
    Crush Online
    Castle Invasion: Throne Out
    Demolish & Build Company 2017
    1 Moment of Time: Silent ville
    Wolf Simulator
    Reams Of Arkania - Star Trail
    Reflection Of Mine
    Defense Of Greece TD
    Dead Age
    Daily Chthonicle
    28 waves later
    Dead Army
    Crazy Machines 3
    Kick Ass Commandos

    And Much Much More....
    Rubius likes this.
  2. potato
  3. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    Das Tal plox
  4. Necropolis

    : D Thanks for doing this Varitas and good luck to everyone who enters.
  5. Luciann

    Luciann Member Black Desert Member

    Necropolis sounds like an interesting game. And yes Goodluck to everyone.
  6. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    So I've gone over the list of every game you've listed and this is my new list. Also Crush Online is F2P on Steam.

    Das Tal
    Pre-Civilization Egypt = Pre-Dynastic Egypt?
    Castle Invasion: Throne Out
    Demolish & Build Company 2017
    1 Moment of Time: Silent ville
    Defense Of Greece TD
    Dead Age
    28 waves later
    Dead Army
  7. Cattitude

    Cattitude Guest Black Desert Member

    I'm with Ironjaw. except toast.
  8. Noyz

    Noyz Member Black Desert Member

    for some reason it keeps saying all my posts are spam like i don't know why.
  9. Noyz

    Noyz Member Black Desert Member

    yay it went thru
  10. I second Potato
  11. Zombie

    Zombie Member Crowfall Member

    Whats this potato everyone's talking about?
  12. DARKTIDE!!

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Long story from AA.
  13. BEEZY

    BEEZY Member Black Desert Member

  14. Should have been titled "A Very Veritas Christmas". :cool:
    Varitas likes this.
  15. Alliterator

    Alliterator Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    let me in ? Ill take anything that i win
  16. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    :does a raffle with a dildo as a prize and Alliterator wins:

    Sooooo....where ya gonna take that eh.
  17. Alliterator

    Alliterator Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    I did expect that prize wooo ill take half the balls and the other half... You can have it @Object
  18. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Next time :p
  19. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    I am making my list and checking it twice. Not too late to get into the give away fun!
  20. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Ok Santa Varitas has delivered the gifts. Let me know if I missed you or you want to try and post for some remaining prizes. If there is any issues with your code let me know.

    Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!