
Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Vandiego, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. 1. Age (18+ Requirement): 29

    2. Name (Forum & IGN): Vandiego on Aionsource & In-Game

    3. Class: I'm playing a Gladiator in beta and loving it. However, if fortress fights become a snoozefest for melee like they did in WAR, I'll reroll a Sorc.

    4. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes

    5. Previous gaming experience: I got my feet wet with MMO's in WoW and became addicted to the genre from that point on. I was a 6d6h a week raider from launch until just before Sunwell came out. After that I game hopped for a bit mainly focused on LOTRO and about a month in AOC. Then moved to WAR when it came out; stayed there til March or so of this year. Since then just a lot of JRPGs or anything that caught my eye.

    6. Why did you chose XoO: I ran into several XoO players on Badlands in WAR, you were the only other guild out there that seemed to enjoy defending forts which was a plus in my book.

    7. Do you have a referal?: No

    8. A little bit about yourself: In-Game wise I'm a very focused and goal driven person. I like to play fast and with a plan. I prefer to run with others with the same mindset.

    As for life outside of the virtual world, I was an engineer for the past seven years. Took the buyout my company offered and am enjoying nine months of severance currently. So yes, I have WAY to much time on my hands.

    9. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 35-60
  2. Welcome. WAR Badlands eh? Neat, what guild were you in? Your activity level and application seem to fit what we are looking for so I see no reason to deny you. Welcome to your new home. Feel free to post around.

    Also, remember to check this thread. It will tell you everything you need to know about vent, the division, and other various things.

  3. Thank you for the acceptance, and I was in Estimated Time of Death. Not sure if they're still around or not, but a great group of guys all the same.
  4. Must be nice, for a while anyway, heh.
    Wish I had that much playtime! Welcome!
  5. Serilla

    Serilla Banned

  6. estimated time of death is in our alliance I believe, and/or they are around I have seen them.

    Let me know if I can help you with anything, thanks and welcome to XoO!
  7. Appreciate it. Good to hear ETOD is still up and running Larxene and company were all good players and better people.