Under age Applicant

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by byKieran, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. byKieran

    byKieran Guest

    WoW (EU)(Saurfang)
    Character Name
    What is your class?
    What is your main spec?
    Please link your WoW Armory informationWhat is your age?
    What are your current professions and their raid benefit
    I don't use professions, never have the time and too much gold. I Arena more than most things, aswell as few BG's and low level raids every now and then for fun :)
    How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished
    Been playing WOW since Vanilla, had alot of exp with Classic, BC, and WOTLK, played on US for most of that time and decided to move to EU not long ago. Raid exp such as Molten Core, BT, ICC 25 Heroic / 10 Heroic. Heroic Firelands before I quit USA.
    What days can you raid?
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday
    List scheduling conflicts
    School / Apprenticeship soon enough ^.^
    Guild History - where are you leaving and why
    Left from USA, gave my account away to a close friend. Now on EU as explained before :).
    How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild
    Holyshéet explained to me how you had a PVP and PVE section, id be really grateful to be applied for the PVP section.
    Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)?
    Final comments you feel could help your application
    As iv mentioned a few times.. friends I have on Saurfang have persuaded me to xfer from the realm I started on for EU (Burning Blade) to Saurfang, I leveled a rogue from 1-85 in about 5 days, dinged on the 12/22/11. I have 1650ish exp on my Rogue playing with Holyshéet from your guild. Which isn't too bad imo considering I have been playing Rogue for less that a month. I 100% understand you have a over 18 age limit, and you are entitled to your own decision for recruiting me or not. (I'm not one of them Teenagers who don't take things seriously, im happy to take the blame and apologize for anything, because that's how I learn)
    Constructive Criticism makes me better.
    Hope to speak to you ingame.

    Your Sincerely
    Have you applied to the WoW (EU) usergroup?
  2. Don't understand this application seems to have been accepted although not moved to relevant section; on a practical note however, this applicant's age fails to meet XoO requirements and the application should be turned down. I need to have a quick word with whomever addressed this application as something is wrong here.
