Archeage Torix's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Torix, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Torix

    Torix Guest

    How old are you?:
    In-Game Name:
    Do you have TS3 and a working mic?:
    Where did you hear about us?:
    I saw you guys in game.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Games: WoW, Lost Saga, Audition, Maplestory, La tale, Firefall, Steam in general, and tons more.
    Most Recent guild: DVS Gaming (Still on roster til Saturday when I will decide to stay or leave them.)
    I believe "Rhea" left to XoO, But i'm unsure.
    List Proficiencies & their Level:
    Mining 10k, Artistry 10k, Fishing 10k
    Only notable ones so far.
    Localization (NA/EU/Oceanic):
    What class/role will you take up in game?:
    I hope to become a good healer first, tank second. My main mindset is "Protect teamate".
    What is your current highest level character?:
    Activity Level (in Hours):
    Have you joined the usergroup?:
  2. Porie

    Porie Veteran

    hank you for your interest in joining Xen of Onslaught!

    Your application is currently under review.

    In the mean time please join the usergroup, and hop into TeamSpeak if you could, and pm me in game
  3. Porie

    Porie Veteran

    re apply