
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by YWontUDie, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. YWontUDie

    YWontUDie Guest

    is my 20th birthday! LETS PARTY IT UP!!! Who's buying the first round of drinks?
  2. dash

    dash Guest

    I'll buy you a drink.

    In a year, when you are legal!
  3. Chocolate milk maybe. Kinda young for coke.
  4. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

    Don't u have to be 21? ::x:
  5. Chocolate milk formula maybe, kinda young for real chocolate milk.

    Happy Butthday Y!

    Who's birthday?




    yeah what?

    ok... i wont start..... :(
  6. Happy Birthday...!!!! Don't drink till your then you wont want to.
  7. Lars

    Lars Guest

    Then how will they go mack some club ladies?
  8. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    haha, come to europe, you can get alcomahol in france from 14, and most countries legal age is 18.

    And back in the day you would just borrow your dads beer and drink from about 9 years old >.<
  9. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    First memory of me being drunk is in a field when I was 14 drinking Sainsburies basic cider!

  10. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    14? you started late then, I was nicking beer from age 9 from my parents cupboard
  11. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    I was a little bit of a late bloomer :)!
  12. Happy belated birthday Y!

    Well the trick there is to buy a beer and just hold it in your hand if you dont want to drink. It gives the right signals to the ladies without you needing to drink at all. Works especially well when you are the DD and cant drink but still want to have a shot with the ladies at the club.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010