Thorin's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Thorin, May 20, 2012.

  1. Thorin

    Thorin Veteran

    TERA (EU) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    What are you looking for in a community/guild and how do you feel XoO will forfill your needs
    u can't play alone I need the guild who was active can help me for development. I don't know much about game i mean high level and BG need time and team work, If u wanna have something GG and be a god player u need a good and big guild, and have a PvP fun and action. have some friends "not in ryl" they are good guys and good player so i wanna play with them
    why do you think you will fit in on your previous awnser
    first of all i wanna say it's just a game, in CBT i applied one guild they said you have grammatical problem some things like this, I'm try to play my chacter and helping other, have a good time with guild member and game, but unfortunately some guild they thinks it is a job if u do good interview so u have chance to get it,
    What is your focus on in the game
    First PvE for item and and then PvP for action
    Are we the first guild you join in this game
    was in Lord Of Down since beta then i left cuz all guild member low level when i left i was 56 level and they are 38, then Sirinty after 2 days didn't enjoy and i told them wanna leave
    Link us your Glyph build using the glyph builder and explain wy you picked those glyphsPrevious Gaming Experience:
    cabal online 2 yers, aion online 2 yeras and played all CBT and OBT Tera EU and some other Games like archlord, shahiya, KO just 2-3 month, still wating aion 3.0 im not gonna play aion but just wanna see
    What is your activity level?
    When will your activity level be the highest
    im higest leve now
    Do you have a referral?
    Girian, Owainn
    A little bit about yourself?
    I'm Asou from sweden and im student and work part-time, right now i have some test need work with them and may last day i will be ofline like q week,
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
    Last edited: May 20, 2012
  2. Keller

    Keller Banned

    I'm going to add you to my friendlist ingame and we will have a little chat.
  3. hi thorin,

    im reading your awnsers you give ont he questions

    one in prticular has me wondering.

    we believe its just a game too.
    then yet these intervieuws and application forms are to know who we are getting in to our guild.
    we are strickt on who joins and who not simply cause we dont want litle kids runing around using our guild name to slander and grief.
    Xen of Onslaught is a multi gaming community for adults. and we would like to try and keep ik that way :p
    so the questions are to see how much you know about the game already so we can see what we will have to inform you about and where we have to help you.
    and they are to check what kind of mentality you got. if your orientated the same way as we are, PvP but still with quality.

    if youhave any questions regarding our Community feel free to ask me any time.
  4. Keller

    Keller Banned