This vs TESO

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Ike11000, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Ike11000

    Ike11000 Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    For those of you who don't know, TESO is The Elder Scrolls Online it seems pretty awesome and so does this game, so I was wondering if Xoo would join TESO, but, generally which one do you think is worth the money
  2. AS much as I love the Elder Scrolls edition I will not be playing TESO... It is going to be another game that is hyped up, and dies out pretty quick. The only two games I've personally been looking at is AA and CU, but to soon to tell if those games will by worthwhile. My opinion anyway...
  3. We have a sub forum for TESO in Other Games section.
  4. My feelings on this game have fluctuated from psyched... to meh. Back and forth.

    I just wanted something like Skyrim with Co-Op when they started talking about this game. The game looks pretty close to that so I am interested. I mean, worst case scenario I treat it like SWTOR for storyline with multiplayer.
    Finish the story? Get a lot of hours out of the leveling? I got my money's worth (by singleplayer/Co-Op game standards).
    If there is more to the game than that, bonus.

    There is a good chance I'll have a copy of the game. Who knows beyond that.
  5. I could never get into the Elderscrolls game so my interest in this edition is kinda nil.
  6. Ike11000

    Ike11000 Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    @Gankfest - What does CU stand for ?
    @Sogetsu - Thanks, I didn't know :p
    @decoyninja - If you do then please tell me what it's like ( BTW I love Fullmetal Alchemist too)
    @kinectic medic - Check out a gameplay video, it's more like a live-action mmorpg than Skyrim,etc
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  7. Camelot Unchained... Waiting to see how the Wv3 works out to determine if I want to play it or not.
  8. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Your first mistake is you are trying to and asking people to compare 2 games that are completely different in many ways. I personally think TES is going to get hyped up because of its name (like SWTOR) and then just drop off the map.
  9. Unfortunately I think the same.
  10. Ike11000

    Ike11000 Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Huh, I will be sure to consider your opinion, but also listen to mine, you see one of the best things about ESO is the absolute customization of characters for eg. Greatsword + very light armour build (thus high agi) + no cooldowns for skillq will make for a strong, fast build and that sort of customization is probably not available in this game.
  11. Ravnis

    Ravnis Veteran FPS Member

    Reality is with that level of customization comes the best loadouts. So give it a week to a month and everyone will be wearing the same thing.

    This game doesn't offer the ability to wear robes with a great sword however big weapon classes can wear leather style equivilant but it's not optimal. Plus in this game you just swap weapons to change to a new class/job so it's more open than you think.
  12. Romikemi

    Romikemi Guest

    Search 10k elementalist gw2 on YouTube. The perception that customization allows you to be so many different things in an MMO is fallacy. The community tells you what you will do, or else you either LFP for a living or organize a guild and hold it under your thumb so they let you play off the grid.

    In a self-sufficient, gang of solo players, non-trinity design blindly claiming to innovate in the dust cloud behind GW2, you can probably get away with being your own man for a couple of months though.
  13. That has a lot more to do with an individual game's ability to balance than it does an error in concept or a problem with class/role innovation. You find the same thing with game's heavily rooted in class-to-role play such as WoW. To be at the top, guild management telling their players to play class X spec Y was nothing new.

    Let's at least be honest here. WE ARE CASUAL in that respect. We value the freedom over forcing members to use certain classes due to imbalance. You don't really get kicked out of XoO for your class choice. We are, in general, the kind of players who love the level of individuality proposed in games like ESO and EQ:N. It shouldn't really be taken as an attack at the classic class/role/trinity style games we are currently playing when something like this comes up. I find it easy to love either style depending on the game itself. I don't want to put game developers in a box by telling them such attempts are in error. Hell, there was a time when an MMO developer would have considered class-changing without a full character reroll to be gamebreaking but look at us now!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2013
  14. I'm horribly bored and waiting on both TESO and EQ-N. I have no idea which one I play yet, maybe both.
    I both like and hate that my MMO gaming experience started with EQ, for that reason i both want to play it and don't want to play it.

    I really liked all the Elder Scrolls games and often wished there was a co-op model for them. I think they might be over-reaching with a full blown MMO but I remain hopeful.

    No matter which way I end up going I won't play unless there are XoO people to game with. I have found that my most enjoyable experiences across numerous games over the last 10 years has been with this group of gamers. So lets figure out if we are going to support one or the other (or both), dig in and give it a shot!
  15. Romikemi

    Romikemi Guest

    I meant community as the game as a whole, not us. As a red mage, I was told to put down my sword.

    We are highly tolerant of player desire to explore the options available in their chosen class and fit to play style. That creates more options for people if we form a TESO division or if the game is supported by guilds like us.
  16. Red Mage was the first class I rolled and loved playing it right up until level 42... Great for finding groups, but really boring being the Refresh Bitch!
  17. Ike11000

    Ike11000 Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Huh, thanks a lot guys, I think I will wait for ESO, EN, AA, etc before investing in any, BTW does this game have like massive battle of wvw or something like that.
  18. ESO utilizes a GW2 style system for PvP and there was an interest within our community for the game. Not sure if the payment model will prevent people from playing but we will see.
  19. Ike11000

    Ike11000 Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    I actually presently play GW2 and really enjoy it(especially the quests) , for me the customization is a tad bit normal, but the pvp is really good, and the in-battle weapon swapping system is really innovative and I love WvW, only problem is warrior is nerfed in pvp and a god in pve, and I literally cannot play any other class.
  20. I really tried to like GW2, but just can't play it... A lot of problems were mentioned while playing in the Alpha and they came through with all the fixes and optimizations promised after release. The PvP content is good, but could better; more or what was mentioned during the Alpha. PvE is ok, but there is no end game content. This was also mentioned by a lot of us in the Alpha, along with so many other issues.