How old are you: 30In-Game Name: TheomancerDo you have TS3 and a working mic: YesPrevious Gaming Experience: EverQuest (Tallon Zek PvP), Asheron's Call (Darktide PvP), Shadowbane (Chaos), Planetside 2 (Waterson-TR), GW2 (Jade Quarry), ArcheAge (Ollo-West), League of Legends (S2-Gold), DayZ, Hearthstone, etc.What will be your main focus in game: PvPHow commited are you to guild development: Extremely. I left my ArcheAge guild because they were all focused on individual development, rather than strengthening the entire guild.What class/role will you take up in game: Chiefly PvP, roaming, ganking. I could potentially do some kind of resource harvesting, if/as needed.What is your playtime and timezone: Eastern Standard Time (Connecticut). Usually play in the evenings from 11p - 2a. Some days I can play during the day as well.
Just to add a note: it's both myself and my IRL brother applying to join ("Docwrath"). He has a similar game history, as we played a lot of our games together. He focuses a lot on being a healer.
Sounds good I will send you TS3 info in a PM. Hopefully we can set up a interview time very soon. Darktide