League of Legends TheBlindZen's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by TheBlindZen, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. TheBlindZen

    TheBlindZen Guest

    How old are you?:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone:
    Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at ALL times?:
    What is your in game name? Also, please link your player profile from www.Planetside2.com:
    Why did you choose XoO?:
    Been soloing with several outfits in the past weeks and saw that this one was pretty good. I've also heard the same from friends who play.
    What can you bring to the table?:
    I'm active duty US Army and combat arms--although tactics and strategies are different from reality the experience and knowledge helps. Loyalty, duty, respect and simply following orders are like second nature. Currently ranked only 23 after months of inactivity and started playing back when the beta came out. Certs are geared towards a flexible Engineer supporting MAXs and armor along with ground assault/defense.
    North America
    Activity level?:
    18-21 hours weekly
    Please list all your alts on Emerald:
    How did you hear about XoO?:
    In game
  2. TheBlindZen

    TheBlindZen Guest

    PS: Will be in game for the night as well
  3. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    The next step in the application process will be for you to get onto our Teamspeak server and then hop into game with us. Once you're in-game We'll get you an Outfit invite and set you to recruit status. If you pass a two week probationary period, you will become a member. I've PM'd you the information for our Teamspeak server, log in and look for one of our Planetside 2 Command Team, any of whom should be able to help you further.
    Command Team: imb0r3d, MasterChaif, Eska, Abdulrapidz, Karst181818, DimethylDishwasher, Lueyja1
  4. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    He decided to leave the outfit as it was not right for him.