Thank You Everyone.

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Roch The Shaman, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Thank you everone who was involved in the Roch for Officer '09 campaign. It was a long and hard fight for us all but we stuck to it and came out on top!!

    Roch The Officer!!!
  2. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

    congratulations :D
  3. Stop lying Roch.
  4. its true! now its time for!!! Roch for Brozovelt 2010!

  5. yeah, i was going to elaborate: Roch is the officer responsible for getting rid of bad healers... 1 down already to Aion
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  6. So what your saying is that Aion is doing a better job than Roch? Roch you best be pullin your god damned weight before we replace you with a cardboard box and DVD.(On a side'll probably do more DPS in raids anywho).

    Nep, any word on if we can recruit an Aion box to replace Roch?