Tendeuce, Mutilate Rogue

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Tendeuce, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Tendeuce, Mutilate Rogue

    2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained): http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&cn=Tendeuce The reason I use my current spec is because it is the top assassination spec atm.

    3. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 19

    4. List your current professions and describe how they help when raiding: I have enchanting for 80 AP to rings, and I just started leveling JC, but I'll have it leveled to gain the extra gems in a couple days. :)

    5. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: I've been playing WoW on and off since vanilla.
    Vanilla: hit 60 a couple weeks before BC, but I still got to do a little MC and ZG.

    BC: Everything up to Vashj in SSC and Kael'thas in TK. I ended up taking a break so that was as far as I got.

    Wrath: Naxx, Maly, OS, Ony, half of Ulduar(had to take a break for summer, so didn't get to finish it all) ToC, 2/5 ToGC, and currently 4/12 ICC 25, 6/12 ICC 10. pugs ftl. I have read up on all the ICC fights though so I feel I have an understanding of the fights.

    6. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class: The way I theorycraft is by checking out forums like Elitist Jerks which helps out my rotation and maximizing my DPS, etc etc.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): I am currently a student in college, but all of my classes are early on so they don't get in the way of raid times. If I have a big exam the following day I might have to study though.

    8. Guild you are leaving and why (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): I recently came from Alliance and I was in Origins. The reason I left is because my old guild Virulent merged with Situational Awareness. I was a main raider in Virulent, but during my break from WoW the merge happened and I basically lost my raid spot and was a casual in that guild. So my reasons for leaving is because of the lack of raid spots, and also a lot of my friends from Virulent leaving/not playing anymore.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: I saw the guild on wowprogress and also saw the guild being advertised in trade chat. I don't know anyone in the guild, I just moved to horde 2 weeks ago. :(

    10. List consumables you bring to raid: Haste pots, AP flasks and sometimes AP food.

    11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans): I am good with the raiding schedule unless something unexpected comes up. The 10 man groups I should be able to make for the most part, but not always.

    12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: This is from a 10m Rotface kill about a week ago, it's not my best but it's something. I've also gotten some new gear since then. http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd59/cyezak/WoWScrnShot_030610_202017-1.jpg

    13. Provide a UI screenshot: http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd59/cyezak/WoWScrnShot_022710_175357.jpg a little old but still basically what I use. I also have all the recommended raid add-ons.

    14. Final comments you feel could help your application: I'm a good raider who knows how to play the game who is also easy to get along with. I also bench 250. o_O
  2. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    finally got my JC to 370 so I got my new gems. :D
  3. Norefund

    Norefund Guest

    You're slightly under the soft hit cap. Two gem changes would fix this. Why don't have you it? If you listed hit food that would be acceptable as well, but you didn't.
  4. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    yeah I'm gonna work on it, I just got some new pieces of gear that put me under. I replaced my Mark of Supremacy so before that I was over it. I just currently have no gold to regem because I just finished spending all my gold on JC.
  5. Norefund

    Norefund Guest

    nevermind, your hit is already at the soft cap. what type of stats do you value most as assassination, and what do you try to avoid?
  6. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    For mutilate, the best stats to value/gem for are haste and AP. Expertise is also important to have up until I reach the cap of 26, so I don't miss any of my special attacks. Hit is also nice to have due to the large amount of my DPS coming from just white hits and poisons.

    The least valuable for mutilate would be arpen. It gives the least amount of DPS gain.
  7. 210 or 220 Expertise, which would you do and why
  8. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    Well if the cap is 214 exactly, then I would say 220 would be better, since 210 is a little under.
  9. Norefund

    Norefund Guest

    You want to get as close as possible to the cap without going over
  10. What Nore said here, you are basically wasting 6 stats that could be AP, haste, etc.

    If you truly read EJ, I suggest you plug some different gems into your gear (via a spreadsheet) and find the best DPS. I would suggest maybe an accurate ametrine to maintain caps for hit and exp without wasted stats.
  11. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    alright, I'm gonna replace my 20 exp gem with a 10 hit/10 exp gem. andddddd that will put me at 110.
  12. This is only half of what I suggested you do.
  13. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    I'm sorry:p I'll plug my gear into a spreadsheet and tinker around with it.
  14. it's true of just about any melee for how to expertise stack.

    so, another thought on that topic: you have 10 exp / 10 hit in the bracers... how would 15 expertise to gloves change your dps as an alternative (ie 40ap gem in bracers)?
  15. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    I plugged both situations in the spreadsheet, and this is what came out: 10864.4 DPS with my current set-up.

    10854.4 DPS with +15 exp to gloves and 40 AP in wrist. I also tried gems like 20 AP and 10 haste and it was also a DPS loss.

    also I found this weird: the spreadsheet recommends 10 AGI/10 haste gems compared to my 20 AP/10 haste gems. The increases are VERY small, and the dps increases are are .1. I just found that weird, I thought AP was better than AGI nowadays.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2010
  16. This BECOMES true with ICC gear because of high agil on gear/crit capping issues with agility/the nature of mutilates abilities, but you still have 245 pieces of gear.

    This is why you should use and understand the spreadsheet, because nothing is cut and dry like "DERRR AP IS TEH BESTEST STAT NOW EVERYONE SWITCH =DDDD smileyface smileyface!!!!11111oneoneone". Things can and will change with every piece you pick up.
  17. Show me what you are made of:
    1. List all Rogue related macros you use and why you use them.
    2. Describe to me any mods you have that you feel are essential to being a rogue.
    3. Attach Aldriana's spreadsheet with your current gear and the highest possible DPS output. Please take your time on this, anything less than top DPS will be frowned upon. (If you have issues attaching the spreadsheet, post back and we can work something out).
    4. Envenom gives a nice little poison buff. Describe to me how you maximize the timing of your envenom to get full utilization out of this buff.
    5. JC/Eng are the top professions for rogues hands down.
    6. I see a few abilities without key-bindings (Kidney shot, Gouge, Feint). Are you clicking them?
    7. How do you monitor your ticks (SnD, Envenom Buff, HfB, etc.)
  18. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    okay I'll get to your newest post in a second when I get the time, but do you think it's wise to switch to the AGI gems? The DPS gains are only .1 so it's not really a big difference.
  19. I would base it off your next upgrades (coughspreadsheetcough). .1 DPS is not going to make or break and not worth the hundreds of gold (OMG that isn't hardcore!).
  20. Corpseater

    Corpseater Guest

    Go hard or go home. - Limegreen =DDD smileyface smileyface