Teampspeak 3 custom notification

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by _Tron_, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    Hey guys,

    Is there a way possible to have ts3 notify you when a certain number of users are in a channel? I was looking through my admin stuff and third party apps and couldn't find something off the bat.

  2. Nothing that I am aware. If you are good at Lua you could code it easily enough through the API and make it a plugin.
  3. Daedalus

    Daedalus Cake Thrower

    I think certain overlays will show you who is in channel, if that semi-helps until you find something better.
  4. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    Hmm interesting I'll check out Lua, should be simple enough. Thanks for the tip!