Team Fortress 2

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by chrisbeebops, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. I couldn't find anything on the forums, so I thought I'd let you all know that Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is the most fun FPS I have played in a long time!

    A little background information on Team Fortress for those who don't know of the game... Team Fortress 2 is a team based FPS with arena, CTF, capture point, and objective based game modes. What sets TF2 apart from most other FPS is that you can select from 9 different classes of characters to play. You have everything from a Medic to keep the team alive, to a Pyro to light the enemy on fire, Scouts who are weak but fast and accell at completing objects, to Spys who can take the form of the enemy and sneak around until the time is right.

    The huge difference in play styles and abilities of the classes is what makes the game so exciting. No two classes are played the same way, and every class has its strengths and weaknesses. This requires players and teams to constantly be evolving to match its strengths with its enemy's weaknesses. The maps are very well done and no two maps are alike, adding to the game's playability.

    Friend me on Steam (chrisbeebops) if you are going to play!
    Grumble likes this.
  2. I play nightly and can't enough of the damn game. it cured me of my CoD 4 addiction for a long time.
  3. I agree with the above sentiments. What also makes it awesome is the silly, campy and exaggerated feel which is a nice change from all the dark realism found in most other shooters.
  4. I hear TF2 isn't all that good, so I have been leaning towards UT3, but if its as good as you say I may give it another look.
  5. You heard wrong
  6. well from what I heard its more of a team based game and you get rocked if your pubing.

    pretty much been trying to decide between UT3 and TF2, I like the sytles of BF2, Global Agenda, and Huxley, but, can't seem to find a game that people are interested in playing.
  7. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    I pub all the time, I don't have a problem at all. It's very rock, paper, scissor but it is still an FPS. If you have more skills, you can kill anything. Also with the recent updates and the coming updates, TF2 has the best content added to an FPS I've seen in a long time.

    TF2 is by far the best FPS right now.
  8. I usually carry a 3:1 K: D ratio in payload maps as a pyro...and I dont have a medic following me around(all the time). Trust me, if you got skill, you'll do the rocking.
  9. Shinigami

    Shinigami Veteran

    Nah not always long as you get a decent team that don't all play sniper/spy because of the new update you can get some intense games going.
  10. Yhea I hate that shit. Makes me feel guilty now whenever I play sniper or spy. :\
  11. TF2 is far superior to UT3 IMO. and if you get good at the game you will have no problems pubbing because so is the other team.
  12. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    How easy is it to unlock stuff ?
  13. Unlocks for weapons aren't needed that much to compete -- its more of alternate play styles for most of the characters.

    The weapon unlocks come fairly quickly... you get unlocks after earning a certain number of achievements for a class, and they also appear as random drops throughout the game.
  14. Outside of achivements, you get random drops based on time played.
  15. Someonesitting

    Someonesitting Veteran

    I've been playing this game since release, and still I play it a lot. Before TF2, I never played ANY FPS's, and I mean none. It's fun when you first start playing, and even more fun when you get into it. There are so many different options for playing the game (with more coming out regularly) that you don't run out of things to do(PL is my favorite). If you haven't played it, keep an eye up on steam, they have free weekends for it every once in a while. Feel free to add me on steam if you wanna play with me(Someonesitting).

    TLDR: TF2 = Awesome
  16. yup, TF2 is the shiz
    I don't play much anymore because I played it too much.. I'm a little burnt on it atm =/

    I got the orange box when it was 10 bucks on steam, best ten bucks I have EVER spent. (Portal rox too btw)
  17. Yes! I grabbed it the same time. Almost made up for paying full price for L4D...
  18. TF2 = the best ^^ Dont knock snipers. I love playing with my bow.
  19. I can't seem to get the bow down, but I got the rifle down pat.
  20. the bow is better close to mid range. Long range you will get owned by rifle. I love pinning people to the wall with the arrows. The graphic image of an arrow through the head is unbeatable for epic lolz. Practice flicking the bow and seeing where the arrow goes. Can get some nice flick shots specially on running people.