
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Phaymis, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Phaymis

    Phaymis Veteran

    So, the birth of my first child is coming up, and I want to get a tattoo to match. I am working on an idea for my wrist, with his initials, as well as some symbol. I want to have something representing eternal life, or immortality. Just thought I would toss the idea out there, to see any suggestions Xen may have. I know of, so far, the celtic symbol for eternal life, which is kinda hard to explain but I guess I could find a photo. Also, I know of the Ankh, which is the egyptian symbol for eternal life. Any other suggestions? My heritage is Irish, Russian and English, and my wifes is Ukranian, French Canadian, and Native American.

    THankya, and sorry, my grammer and spelling is trashola.
  2. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    you mean the eternal knot?


    triquetra is always a great one to me


    I love Celtic symbols, but then again I'm hardcore Irish and come from one of the oldest families (in terms of surnames) :p
  3. Phaymis

    Phaymis Veteran

    Yea I am lookin at doing the Triquetra. Maybe doing one initial on each side. Its my first choice right now, just wanted to see if any other ideas inspired me.
  4. You should go for this:

  5. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    I got the 2nd one right above my shoulder blades but under the back of my neck int he middle lol
  6. My little brother got an ankh with the name of my niece!


    I also have a tat with a symbol of life/death/rebirth: the ouroboros. From wikipedia: "... an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail... often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end."


    Obviously I'm a fan of both. :^_^:
  7. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    I dont like then 1st one LOL a bit big........ but I have the 2nd one =P

    I also have a Chinese phrase down my spine

    I need to post some pics up
  8. Phaymis

    Phaymis Veteran

    Yea I like em both, good stuff. Ive already got an appointment for a larger tat on my back, so im hoping to keep this one a bit smaller, and sort of mid wrist area. I will keep all these ideas in mind for sure, draw em out and see which one speaks to me the most.
  9. Good luck with this one man and good luck with the new kid.
  10. I'm planning to get a l'Cie brand when I can gather the money:


  11. Nightmare LX

    Nightmare LX Guest

    Im looking into getting another.. i just dont have a clue what i want.. so much comes to mind.. but i think.. im gona go with the new york skyline.. and the brooklyn bridge ynder the bridge in the water.. its gona have some lyrics like.. "I dont know where i am but i know where i came from" or something along them lines. =)
  12. Phaymis

    Phaymis Veteran

    yea that would be nice. I got one on my back right now that says "If ignorance is bliss, then Im headed for hell, because if that is heaven, I know why lucifer fell", and i got another one on the way while I try to figure out this one for my son. By the end of this year i should have a few more added.
  13. Nightmare LX

    Nightmare LX Guest

    YEA.. I should have my 2nd one by the end of this month.. i hope.. lol