Talonious's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Talonious, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Talonious

    Talonious Guest

    How old are you?
    28 (29 come end of April)
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    Typically, can you commit to events that run from 8PM-11PM EST?
    What times are you availible to play? Be specific and include your timezone.
    I am currently in Mountain Time, but can generally make any time required during the evening. Exact times may change depending on future employment, but will be sure to give appropriate notification if that should affect possible raid times and on which days.
    How many hours do you anticipate playing per week, on average?
    ~20 hours or more
    What is your anticipated Character Class?
    Medic (But willing to roll and play any class)
    What is your anticipated playstyle (DPS,Healer, or Tank)?
    Healer or DPS are my preferred, but willing to do either.
    What is your MMO experience and what progression have you experienced in those games? Please be as detailed as possible
    WoW: Low end raiding during Burning Crusade in Karazan (Served in the military during this time so could not devote to more). Moved into more high end, end game raiding in WotLK with ICC, naxx, OS, and Trials of the Crucader. During Cataclysm, played as a rogue DPS throughout Firelands 10 man heroic as well as Dragon Soul 10 man Heroic, pushing hard mode achievements. Have played as healing and dps Shaman, Demonology/Destruction Warlock, and Assassination/combat rogue in various raiding environments. Total Time Played: ~8 years.

    FFXIV: level 50 Dragoon and Bard. Done Crystal Tower and all 3 hard mode primals.

    GW2: Level 80 Warrior, mostly solo content throughout the world participating in various events.
    Are you willing to put in the time and effort researching your class in order to maximize your characters in-game abilities? This includes researching the most effective specs, talents, and strategies.
    How do you feel about progression raiding?
    It is the one thing I enjoy the most due to the feeling of accomplishment of tackling challenging encounters with the group and something I enjoy experiencing consistently.
    How do you feel about PvP?
    Limited actual experience, admittingly, though something I am interested in experiencing in this game, from what I've seen. Performance appears more skill based than other previous games, allowing one to be competitive without necessarily having the best gear, allowing for more enjoyment to be derived from the activity.
    Are you able to dedicate 2-3 nights and 2-3 hours on each of those nights per week to guild specific functions?
    Do you plan on playing any other MMO while playing WildStar Online?
    Have you been a part of any other Xen of Onslaught division? If so, which ones and do you have anyone who would recommend you?
    No I have not, though I was apart of another hard core raiding guild in WoW, Exodus (Shadow Council server). Assisted in pushing hard mode achievements in end game cataclysm during my time there as my rogue, named Taoran.
    Referred by?
    XoOItherael (on Wildstar-central forums)
    Have you read the WildStar Division Information thread and agree to abide by the guidelines within?
    Certify that you have requested to join the WildStar Permissions Group (availible by editing your profile) by selecting YES.
  2. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Thanks for your application. The next step of the application process is to schedule a TeamSpeak interview. When would you be able to meet?
  3. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Sent PM requesting follow-up.
  4. Talonious

    Talonious Guest

    Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, bit of a busy weekend. As for the application, A long time raiding friend of mine got a hold of me and asked if I could roll with him. However it turns out, I've been with the guy for years and figured it'd be a good idea to join up with him like old times. Thank you very much for the consideration though and hope you guys the best in your future raids.
  5. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Would he be interested in joining us?
  6. Talonious

    Talonious Guest

    Not likely, I'm afraid. He's looking to get the entire group together we used to run with and make a guild of his own. However, if that ends up falling through I'll see if he'd like to do just that and let you know, provided you're still recruiting by then.
  7. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Okay, good luck!