SV Hunter (MM os)

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Roffy, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. Roffy

    Roffy Guest

    Preface: This character has always been an alt, and is mostly geared from doing pugs. I have never been in a real raiding guild and have always wanted to, but work has kept me away for the most part. I now have a job where I can actually raid so I want to join a guild where I am going to see all the content, and help out as much as I can.

    1. Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory):
    Roffy, Hunter, Survival main spec, Marksman offspec because I don't have the ArPen for that yet. Armory.

    2. Explain your talent selection (theorycrafting source, specialization choices etc): Pretty much a cookie cutter survival spec. I normally get my information from the EJ or SA forums.

    3. Your Age: 23 in a month

    4. Current professions and their raid benefit: Engineering and Skinning, Engineering is a decent dps boost, and I mainly took it for the craftable arrows. Skinning can be dropped, and I have another character with enchanting if I need anything enchanted.

    5. How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished: I started in 05, playing casual on a rogue through vanilla and TBC, no real raiding experience in those two. In Wrath I leveled a warrior to 80 and that was my main, started raiding just before ToC came out, did ToGC10 with the guild, and have experience with 11/12 bosses in on 10 man, and only 6/12 in 25 man.

    6. Describe how you theorycraft your class (websites, spreadsheets, etc):
    Mainly using femaledwarf for gear selection, and once again the EJ and SA forums for general knowledge help.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, schedule, etc): Live with parents, working 9-5 m-f now, will be going to school in the fall which won't affect raiding.

    8. List scheduling conflicts (include times for possible weekend 10mans):
    Only times unavailable really would be Friday and Saturday nights.

    9. Guild History - where are you leaving and why:
    Have been in Obsidian Spur since I started in 05. Joined them from the Penny Arcade forums. They used to raid but now I'm usually the only person online. Like I said I really would like to join an actual raiding guild.

    10. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild:
    Just mainly seen people around the server, and heard talk about you guys. I don't know anyone in the guild.

    11. List your raid consumables and your method for maximizing them:
    I've mainly just been using flasks, but I know I can get speed pots, ArPen food when I get enough on my gear to go to MM, and food for my pet as well.

    12. Provide your raid damage/healing performance. Examples are Recount Screenshot with personal breakdown of attacks, WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs:
    Like I said I mainly pug on this guy so that's all I have really.
    edit: found more with details
    When I was trying out MM (only 5% buff in ICC at this time)
    Survival on Koralon
    Those two were taken a while ago and I've gotten a few upgrades since then.

    13. Provide a screenshot of your UI:

    14. Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)? Yes of course.

    15. Final comments you feel could help your application: Like I've said, I know this guy can be improved, I'm tired of being the only person online in my guild, and I really want to raid more than just a random pug here and there. I know my gear isn't the best right now, but I believe I've always outperformed my gear level. Thanks, and hope to hear back soon.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2010
  2. Roffy

    Roffy Guest

  3. Roffy

    Roffy Guest

    Um, hello? *tap tap* Is this thing on?
  4. lol sorry roffy ill make sure to bring this post up to officers before tonights raid maybe we can get you in tonight so you dont miss out on another week =D
  5. Ologhai

    Ologhai WoW Sargeras CO

    I would drop skinning. It's basically worthless, especially if you're trying to play survival in a higher end raiding environment. Pick up something you can use like JC instead. You are also way behind on gear. The gear you have on could be obtained in a week, maybe two of pugging Sargeras, which isn't saying much. I also have a question, why banner of victory? If you're extremely skilled as a hunter and able to use that to benefit you in fights you could stand a chance based on usefulness. Hunters can play a major role on fights with adds like LDW, saurfang, and VDW. Good luck with your app. Also check switching explosive with steady glyph.
  6. A few questions from me here.
    To start off why did you get the sanctified leggings before you upgraded another piece of your ICC gear? The legs are the weakest piece for an endgame level hunter simply because you can get the leggings of northern lights off of LDW which most pugs can get down.

    Second, Wrathful bracers? Those are again easily replaceable by a piece off of the easiest boss in ICC.

    Third, Why have you not yet gotten a third piece of tier 10? By now even running just the daily and weekly you should have enough badges for at least a third piece if not a fourth.

    Fourth, Do you think you have enough hit yet?

    Fifth, moving on from gear, Why do you only have 1 point in resourcefulness? A 6 second reduced cooldown on a shot that increases your damage by 6% is much greater imo than a 6% proc rate on an ability that has a 22 second cooldown as is, and lets be honest isn't that fantastic from a rotation maintaining standpoint.

    Lastly, all of Olo's questions.
  7. @ Olo: When do i get my promotion?
  8. Roffy

    Roffy Guest

    Hey, thanks. I'm not sure if you tried to get a hold of me that night but I've been watching The Wire non-stop since Monday and haven't been online a lot. Sorry if I missed you.

    Totally agree on the skinning, and like I said this was my alt so I didn't really want to sink a lot of gold into him because I wasn't sure how much I'd like playing a hunter at endgame. Same reason my gear isn't up to par, I'd mostly been raiding on my warrior, only subbing on my hunter when needed. I actually quit for a couple of months during school so that's why I'm behind as well. Been pugging for the past couple weeks and have had 0 luck with drops too. About the Banner, I've been saving up for DMC:G. NES didn't work out to be that big of an upgrade so I haven't been pursuing that too hard, but I am right now.

    As for the last part, of course I believe I am a pretty skilled hunter, obviously I have room to grow, but I learn quickly, and definitely outperform the gear I'm in.

    1 & 2: VoA. They were huge upgrades over what I had. Have never seen the LDW legs drop.

    3: I am actually buying the head piece today, and femaledwarf is saying it's a DPS loss right now to break up my 2pc T9.

    4: Again I just haven't run ICC that much on this guy, when I do we usually only kill 4 or 5 bosses and I have had crap luck with rolls when I do.

    5: According to femaledwarf, my spec is an 80 dps increase over the one you're suggesting.

    I've also been using MM a lot recently and as I've gotten more and more used to it I'm seeing my dps surpass what I was doing with Survival.

    Thanks again, Roffy.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2010
  9. Its more of a matter of luck imo and my intuition just likes the one I said but i guess if you want to play a spreadsheet thats fine
  10. I apologize for the long response, but due to a recent lack of interest XoO Sargeras is no longer an active raiding guild until Cataclysm. If you are still interested then, feel free to re-apply.