Star Trek

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Kyoji, May 4, 2009.

  1. a pre-emptive thread for the new movie that will release this weekend. Any thoughts on what will happen? I am not a Star Trek fan so I was hoping to get a little insight into the movie before I went. It looks good.
  2. Never seen a Star Trek in my life, but this one does look super super good. Im very excited!!!
  3. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    It's kind of sad the amount of people that haven't seen a star trek movie/tv show. It's been running constantly since 1966!!!!!! A lot of people seem to have some preconceived notion that all things star trek are craptacular at best. My buddy sat down and watched Star Trek: The Voyage Home with me the other day and thought it was going to be horrible but ended up loving it. IMO more people need to get away form the whole scifi is bad mindset and try and just enjoy it. Which, to be fair, seems to be what a lot are going to do with the new trek film.
  4. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    I like the fact that they released it on 7PM on Thursday instead of the usual 12PM showing. Now I can go and watch it in 2-week limited Imax on Thursday ;)
  5. what will happen?

    they will reroute some power from one thing-a-ma-jig to another thing-a-ma-jig...

    something will blow up......

    then you will get a moral lesson.

    Ill watch it...
  6. Don't forget the amorphous omnipotent entity with a key mortal flaw!
  7. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    Seeing it in 30 mins so we'll find out if the movie is as good as the previews..
  8. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    As always JJ Abrams pulls off a good movie. Wasn't awesome but definately was a good flick and recommend at least checking it out.
  9. It was good, nuff said.

  10. Tzepic

    Tzepic Veteran Bless Online Member

    Definitely worth seeing in the theater for special effects alone.
  11. I enjoyed it. The actors were nearly all perfect for their roles. The movie was engaging, funny, and graphically full of win. Will probably top the charts.

    All good reviews too except one by Roger Ebert who wouldn't know a good movie if it drop kicked him in his fucking face. Why is this guy still alive and rating movies? He is like fucking 100 years old.
  12. OrleanKnight

    OrleanKnight Guest

    The film is more than just a reimagining of Stark Trek, because it still remains to be the Star Trek we've all known and loved. Within those boundaries it has given itself a window into a whole new world of possibility, allowing for the dead-in-the-water story that years and years of spin-off televisions shows have produced to finally be put to rest and a funeral fit for royalty.

    The film can still stand as the 11th Star Trek film, and oddly enough the first of many more. Because through the incorperation of time-trival, the original course that the first Star Trek universe has now been altered. As the characters so timidly put it, "An alternate universe?" - yes. With that in mind, all the Star Trek technology has been reinvisioned, trying to up the bar of realism to a scale we can all enjoy.

    While at the same time they use the Alternate Universe story line perfectly, re-introducting characterd we already know an love, again, as though you were watching a new Episode of Star Trek where they went back in time to stop some guy from screwing up the time line. The only thing is, they fail to stop him, and the time line is forevered changed. What lies ahead is a vast unknown space of uncharted territory where no one has gone before.

    The film itself has spledid casting, with characters who do not at all miss the mark of the characters so widely loved. The casting team took care in finding people who could really hold their merit, and it shows well on the big screen that this film is not at all carried by special effects. We spend most of the time engaging the characters, where iti s there faces filling the big screen and not some pretty animated green screen set piece.

    We do see an old familiar face from movies long past, and it is his appearance which truly allows this movie to flow. Baring the torch, it has been passed now to a truly inspirational team. All we can hope is that future titles will be made with such care for the characters and plot, otherwises the series will not live long and prosper. So here's to a new frontier in film my friends, and I truly feel that you should all see it. This truly is the next generation of Srar Trek films.
  13. great movie, but only thing that made no sense was the planetary defense.
    seems weird that both the earth and vulcan worlds have no defense or atleast some spaceships around. Atleast have some private or merchant ships near the planet, to make it more realistic. Doubt only the federation has space vessels. Other than that great movie :)
  14. dash

    dash Guest

    What OrleanKnight said. He pretty much nailed it on the head. They did a great job with casting, putting an end to the old and opening a wide potential rebirth for the future of Star Trek Enterprise(play on words,maybe?)

    However I did enjoy the beauty of the effects since I was watching it on IMAX,and felt it just as integral to the movie especially in todays market of getting people into theatres. The action was pretty good too, particularly the head first freefall/parachute scene......That kicked some serious ass!

    I'd give the movie an 8.5 out of 10 only because it connected the dots so well in making a Star Trek film of today work. It would score less without the history of Star Trek.
  15. I watched it on Saturday and I loved it. My Dad on the other hand, grew up watching the original star trek, and although he liked it, he didn't.

    I personally agree with everything Orlean said as well. Really well done.
  16. Wren

    Wren Veteran

    Loved the movie, it did not disappoint.
  17. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    well, hopefully I get a chance to see it in the next couple days. From what I am heairing it seems very promising.
  18. This movie has win with win and some win added in on the side for good measure.
  19. I used to be a huge Star Trek fan, I even went to a convention for it. I still am in many ways but that last series just didn't do it for me. Voyager was the last one I watched and only maybe got 2/3 through it before I lost interest.

    I'm kind of hoping they will make a new series that will push people to use a little more thought when watching their shows.

    All the movies I thought were great though (the ones I seen anyway).

    I'm hoping I can watch this new movie on the IMAX screen. Seen 300 on IMAX and was a pretty neat experience.
  20. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    Well I got my chance to see it and I loved it. I've seen all the old films and I love the first incarnation of star trek and this didn't disappoint at all. I like how it played out that they could continue on with the new cast and new films and not disrupt anything that has taken place already. The first 10 minutes of the movie was so well done. An excellent start to an excellent movie. This is one of the best movies I have seen in theatres in a long time and don't expect anything to match it anytime soon. I thought it interesting that they brought back the bugs from the wrath of khan in this one. There were some really nice tie ins throughout the film. I'm fairly certain they made a scene with checkov that had a ridiculous amount of V's just for shits and giggles and it payed off. The same old humour was still present in this film that was there in the old star trek.