Star Citizen

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Chat' started by Erock, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. the forums are very active to ... looking good
  2. hanger alpha module released !!! my 325a looks amazing ( holy shit my GPU runs at max load cuz its un optimized)

    if you pre ordered well DOWNLOAD IT !!! its cool to walk around mah ship and sit in the pilot chair
  3. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  4. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Pimp my ride !


    In my hangar :





  5. my 670 gets cooked way to much for me to run it and just walk around needs more optimization
  6. Too bad the game isn't estimated till 2015 for release. =/
  7. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    We just got the hangar module, and we get the dogfight module this december !

    C'mon guys !

    Pledge before the 26th of november to have your ship ready for the dogfight ! + alpha and beta access of course !

    Lots of guilds have started recruiting and show the list and numbers of ships they already have.

    As for graphic cards, my AMD are running fine.
    The hangar module used my crossfire of two AMD 6970 right out of the "box", no arcane hacking necessary.
    I went from 31-32 fps to 55-60+ fps
  8. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    The module is pretty cool! Now just to get more ships ;) I didn't have the OSD enabled but it sounded like my GPU was running at max load or pretty close. The thing will be going under water very soon so it won't be as noisy.
  9. 670 runs it at high at 1440 res but damn that fan sounds like its about to take off ... runs at 70-75c ... rest of my games run at like 60-65
  10. So making full use of a graphics card is bad now?
  11. hahaha no i just dont need any heat in my room with the AC off cuz its cooling down outside :p
  12. Interesting, looks like Eve but with a better wrapper and easier GUI.
    I was a huge Wing Commander fan, so this is a must for me but with over 8 million in funds now they don't "Need" any more money to complete this project. I'll play, but I'll pay for it when it's released. 500k goal....and got 8 million. Thats some "Notch" shit right there!
  13. if by 8 million you mean closing in on 18 million with the full goal of 21-22 for complete GAME
  14. Wow, my info was old. Thanks for the update.
  15. StashVG

    StashVG Veteran til this game goes into beta, ya'll going to join me in "Star Conflict" (thru Steam - it's Free-ish) ???? ...get your piloting skills up & improve your space combat. Piloting really depends upon the person. I play for hours every night. I have 3 tier 3 ships & 4-5 tier 2 ships. Almost ready to unlock my first Tier 4 ship. Right now Jericho (the Faction I'm with) is winning, but I'm sure that will change. Plus this weekend's bonus is 20% more credits in every winning battle - each weekend has a different bonus or sale. Pilot's name is: StashVG
    (or course)
  16. StashVG

    StashVG Veteran

    mmmmm, Looks like I need to finish re-building my desktop for this game....

    ....or start working on my custom desktop that I've been designing. It's due to come out when? 2015? I should be done with school before then.
  17. I got the 325a Arbiter package as well ($80).
  18. As someone who loved Freelancer/Starlancer I am interested in how this project will turn out. Didn't donate any money since I already have my eggs in another basket but considering the amount of the money they have raised I look forward to the new engine and technology that comes out of it.
  19. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Space sim games are the best, love em, i can fly in them quite good too even if it's been a while. We have to decide what to do as a guild when we get on it tho, because u can do a lotta stuff and some choices are quite definitive (like being pirates). That's why i can't play EVE anymore as my dude's -10 sec haha.

    I might go for the arbiter package as well, 80$ with all access and the fighting ship. Now i don't even know when alpha's planned ?
  20. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Not only does SC already support Eyefinity, but it also does while supporting CrossFire.
    I am very impressed.

    CrossFire : AMD 6970 * 2
    Resolution : 5040 * 1050
    Graphics Settings : High
    FPS : 22+ fps

    (pictures have been resized to be lighter, but you get an idea)



