Star Citizen Release Timeline

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Chat' started by Rookie, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Rookie

    Rookie Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Since this is going to be a very common question, here's the full list:


    • Release date: August 29, 2013.
    Dogfighting Module
    • Approximate date: Spring 2014
    • Delay should not directly alter other modules
    • Delayed for full implementation of backend code
    "Multiplayer dog fighting without a persistent universe or the Squadron 42 narrative... It's for everyone to get a feel of flying and to develop tactics (and for the developers to street test and balance with real players)."

    "And then in December, the end of December, we'll release the dogfighting module, which will allow you to take the ship that you've backed, basically what you've got sitting in your hangar, and go into space in sort of a head-to-head deathmatch against other players or AI ... so in December people will be able to sort of dogfight and play, so they actually will be to have close to a World of Tanks style experience there, which will be kind of cool, and we'll be adding ship items and more stuff on there so people will be able to customize their ships. So basically the hangar will be working in concert with the dogfighting module."

    Social / Planetside Module
    • Approximate date: March-April 2014
    • A social module was described in the January 2013 edition of the German computer gaming magazine GameStar.
    • The social module will mark the ability to visit other players in their hangars.
    "We've got another module that we call the Planetside module, which is sort of down on the planet, the social interaction, talking to people in the bar or going to a shop and buying and selling stuff."

    FPS / Ship Boarding Module
    • Approximate date: Between April 2014 (the planetside module) and August 2014 (the Squadron 42 alpha)
    "And then after [the planetside module] we're gonna have the first-person shooter ship boarding module where they can fight against other people on their ship. And then an alpha of the single-player story Squadron 42. And then finally an alpha of Star Citizen, which is a full sandbox universe that involves all these modules."

    Squadron 42 / Singleplayer Alpha
    • Approximate date: August 2014
    "[Then] an alpha of the single-player game, and then finally a beta of the persistent universe by the end of the year (2014)."
    "Further out is the single player alpha (roughly August 2014) and the alpha for system universe (again, roughly December 2014)."

    Persistent Universe Module / Beta
    • Approximate date: End of 2014.
    "...and then a beta of the persistent universe by the end of the year (2014), which essentially is bringing all of these things into one holistic piece, and then we'll go live after the beta which I would anticipate would probably be sometime in early 2015. But essentially from the end of 2014 you should be able to play the full game, it'll just be beta because there obviously still will be things to tweak and balance, and we'll try and keep the player base constrained until after we've gone through beta, because, you know, it's not really a beta if you've got a million players."

    Star Citizen & Squadron 42
    • Approximate date: Early 2015
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  2. CoopTang

    CoopTang Veteran

    Do you have to pledge to get the dog fighting module?
  3. Rookie

    Rookie Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Yes. You must have alpha/beta access in order to play anything before the actual game launches, at which point you have to buy the game.

    $35 can get you into the alpha/beta with the full game and a ship with lifetime insurance.
  4. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    What is insurance in this game? Also where do you see this plan? The $30 plan seems to have a 2 month insurance.
  5. Rag

    Rag Veteran Crowfall Member

    Ship gets destoryed, ship will be replaced in a certain amount of time, and this is the base ship you have insurance on so any upgrades you made after you insuranced would not be covered, You see the insurance on the packages you buy and it lists them on the websites hanger module in RSI, just have to click on items bundled with the package
  6. If you have ever played EVE then you will understand how insurance will work for the most part. Buying special packages through Original or Veteran backers of this game anytime from now until the 26th of this month will give you lifetime insurance (for free) on whatever ship you pledge for. New people just coming in do not see packages with LTI since those deals passed, however the special backers of the game still have a access to those packages. So what you would do is find out how much it costs for one of the original backers can get the ship you want, pledge for a package of equal or more value, gift that package to the original backer and he will then melt it down into funds. With those funds he purchases the ship you want with lifetime insurance and then gifts the newly bought package to you.

    There are a few people who can do this for you. Rookie seems to be doing it the most. Im pretty sure it was Saffaya who can also do this, and I myself can do it as well. For some reason though my costs are not quite as good as Rookie :/
  7. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    I see... I want to see how far XoO wants to go with this. I can really see us forming a battalion and taking over sectors. I see that there seems to be some sort of Battle Ship (Constellations). I am wondering if this is some sort of thing for a group thing for people to buy or is it just an oversized ship for 1 player that happens to house smaller ships.
  8. Rookie

    Rookie Veteran Star Citizen Member

    I'm an original backer, there are details in the other thread but basically you use their website to gift me a package, I melt that package for store credit and then buy the version available to me. Since I pledged during the initial campaign prices are cheaper for me and I still get lifetime insurance on my purchases until the 26th.

    The Constellation is equivalent to the Millennium Falcon. There are far larger ships:


    Anything larger than an Idris (we're currently attempting to fund the purchase of one of those) is persistent. That is, they cannot be docked, they must be defended 24/7 because there is no way to hide them from the game world. There are a dozen or so ships missing from that diagram, there are Destroyers, Escort Carriers, and Battleships that all bridge the size difference from Idris (a corvette) to Bengal (assault carrier).

    Additionally, there will also be persistent space stations that can be fought over and controlled.
  9. Maergoth

    Maergoth Veteran Star Citizen Member

    So.. I backed with the 65 dollar thing long ago and only have 4 month insurance. What do?
  10. Rookie

    Rookie Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Apply to the usergroup, I've got a thread explaining everything in the private SC forum.