SSD Gaming Performance

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Deadend, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member,2991.html
    From what I get from that yes an SSD will improve some aspects of gaming but not by enough at the current price point unless your really impatient about load times. Your probably better off updating the other stuff in your comp at this point on a price/performance basis anyway.

    Also since games are constantly writing after loading is finished it may be hard on current SSD as per Enigma's SSD thread.
  2. I have a Corsair P128 120gb SSD that I use as a windows drive and for 3-4 games. It is over a year old now and it is just as fast as it was on day one. Considering that when I bought it it was about 375.00 prices are now way down and the technology has just gotten better since I bought mine. I will be buying a higher capacity SSD when I upgrade my pc. Once you go SSD you won't want to use anything else.
  3. Retsah

    Retsah Veteran

    So very true. I was running Rift off of my SSD but was running into "Hitching" occasionally when I was logging combat (For parsing reasons) due to an issue with the way Rift wrote data to the log so I had to move Rift back to my normal drive for several months while I waited for a fix from Trion.

    Wow that was miserable. It's true you can't tell any major differences other than load screens but you never stop to realize just how often that happens throughout the game.

    I'll probably never be able to go back to a normal drive for my OS and the games I play regularly again. I guess I'm just impatient :)
  4. I read this article as well a little while ago. I'm enjoying Tom's SSD articles they have been putting out recently.
  5. Na, SSDs can write a TON of data to them so you shouldn't have to worry about it much. Unless its a Sandforce based drive.
  6. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    I'm not saying they are not upgrades I'm just saying at current prices your probably better off putting the money in a more powerful processor or video card if your on a budget. If you got a ton of cash all the time you can throw at comp parts then price/performance doesn't really mean a whole lot to you.
  7. The prices are coming down, i expect it to be 1$ per gig or even better very soon. Then there will be no need for mechanical drives. As it is now in my current rig I do have a 1tb mechanical drive for videos/pr0n/music/etc. but my games and o/s are on my ssd. The only time i have any issues is while watching replays in SC2, it stutters there but in every other game including Rift I had no stutters issues.
  8. AKuma

    AKuma Banned

    if you do decide to get a SSD, be careful when it nears the end of its life. Some SSD brands, when the drive loses extra cells to swap out with dead ones, will not lead you read or write to that drive anylonger. Some brands such as intel will simply do a write lock instead of a w/r lock so that you can still get your data.
  9. Um. What?