SoTM Voting

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Zarash, Oct 20, 2008.


Which is the best scary signature

Poll closed Oct 31, 2008.
  1. MsInfamous

    0 vote(s)
  2. Peacemaker

    0 vote(s)
  3. Reignier

    6 vote(s)
  1. Vote



  2. Peacemaker is banned.
  3. I didnt even notice. I kinda just remembered about this and threw it together before work so w/e, you can still vote for him its not like we are giving out prizes.
  4. Ya its just what you like really.
  5. I vote we just start the November one... and i think we should get a front page invite for the entire guild to take part

    Maybe put up a post to vote for the next theme untill november actually starts?
  6. Ya these need to be better know or its not really worth it imo.
  7. Anyone have a problem with the everyone use the same stock one? Then we could just set up a post where people can submit stocks they think we should use.
  8. Sure and when it gets better known we could do more creative things perhaps? Also we should consider stocks... I prefer those now.