SoTM Theme

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by The Communist, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. This is the place where you can suggest the next signature of the month's theme!
  2. Branded Wolf

    Branded Wolf Guest

    I'm thinking warhammer40k, warhammer (specific race?) or dragons.
    And yes I plan at throwing my crap on display as soon as i get photoshop back on my system.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2008
  3. Get a new sig for pdog theme

    animated theme

    (everyone has to use the same render and see what different ideas come up...) theme

    fps theme
  4. movies
    create a sig with this stock
  5. I would like to see that, you can see the different styles of our signature makers
  6. Branded Wolf

    Branded Wolf Guest

    Create a sig with this stock does sound cool.
  7. Time
  8. Make Believe: The image must consist of at least 1 fairytale/character/location. The stock must be easily recognized (does not need explaining.)

    Classic Animation: The sig must be themed around the animation and art styles of the 1950-70's. Entrants must post their inspiration and what era(s) it is based around.

    *flies away*
  9. Hmm.

    Comic Book characters.

    Old cartoons. Transformers, Thundercats, Smurfs etc..

    I like the same stock idea too. Like Zarash said, it would be nice to see other peoples styles using the same stock.

    Maybe for the month a supported game is being released, it could be that theme. E.g. Warhammer this fall.
  10. Lampshade

    Lampshade Guest





    Lazer Beams!
  11. Text


  12. Branded Wolf

    Branded Wolf Guest

    Weather, cats (cute/evil), SC I, robots, history (specific period, event, location), WH40k propaganda, WW II propaganda, gas masks, emo, eyes, liquids.
  13. Lev

    Lev Banned




  14. Tag Team sig
    Teams of two combine different tallents to make one sig.
    People like commi, cox, and kyoji being more special effects intensive people would work with more render focused artists.
  15. I 2nd the motion!
  16. Lev

    Lev Banned

    So who'd get commie?
  17. Do we have an even amount of people that we could do that?
  18. Branded Wolf

    Branded Wolf Guest

    I can see it now, it will be like kickball.. being picked last.. again. -_- LOL
    Honestly though sweet idea.
  19. Me obviously

  20. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Well GG then.