Some photos by Sten :)

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Stenog, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. Stenog

    Stenog Veteran

  2. Aise

    Aise Guest

    I dun like fisheye. d:
  3. Stenog

    Stenog Veteran

    I really do like it =)
  4. Awesome dude, i like the flower one (no homo)
  5. Excelion

    Excelion Guest

    I wish I had a fisheye lens! What do you shoot with?
  6. Nice work bro.. looks really good...
  7. Stenog

    Stenog Veteran

  8. nice man, I love your style.
  9. Butt kicking photo's dude.
  10. *whistles* holy shit, some epic stuff man love pretty much all of them! Jaw dropped a lot xD
  11. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

    Some nice shots there man ;)
  12. Excelion

    Excelion Guest

    D80 is nice =] If I have any spare cash after building my gaming PC, I'll put it towards a fish eye for sure! I'm ashamed to say that I haven't given my D90 much attention =/ I just have the default kit lense ( think it's like 18-105 ) and a 1.8 50mm lense, love the little guy! I'm hoping to do some sight seeing and road trips this summer so I can finally put the camera to use. Absolutely loving these ones!

    All the landscape pictures are definitely desktop background worthy, nice stuff once again :)
  13. Vhex

    Vhex Guest

    Nice pics Excel the urban shot catches my love because of that angle and eye catchyness. Even in the busy city with the way the picture is taken it's easy to keep my eyes looking at the same point and keeps them from becoming distracted.
  14. Stenog

    Stenog Veteran

    Woot - thanks for all the comments folks. Will post some more from time to time :)

    Some of them are shoot with 50 F/1.8 and some with an older brother 85mm F/1.8 :)
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2010
  15. Cool photos bro, nice perspective.:D
  16. Stenog

    Stenog Veteran

    Some from last weekend - nature :) :







  17. Applicable

    Applicable Apprentice Spammer

    photos are awesome dude

    picture clarity and colour is amazing!