Sogetsu's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Sogetsu, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. WildStar Application
    How old are you?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    Typically, can you commit to events that run from 8PM-11PM EST?
    What times are you availible to play? Be specific and include your timezone.
    19:00-23:00 EST Su-Sa Play Time
    06:00-18:00 EST We-Sa Work Schedule
    How many hours do you anticipate playing per week, on average?
    What is your anticipated Character Class?
    Not Sure Yet
    What is your anticipated playstyle (DPS,Healer, or Tank)?
    Healer or Tank
    What is your MMO experience and what progression have you experienced in those games? Please be as detailed as possible
    World of Warcraft (All Content Up Through MoP), Warhammer Online (Max RR Rank, All PvE Content), Aion (Level 50 Sorc, Did Not Complete All Content), SW:TOR (All Launch PvE and PvP Content), Guild Wars 2 (All Luanch PvE and PvP Content), Final Fantasy XIV (All PvE Content, Minus Turn 5)
    Are you willing to put in the time and effort researching your class in order to maximize your characters in-game abilities? This includes researching the most effective specs, talents, and strategies.
    How do you feel about progression raiding?
    I believe that it is crucial to maintain strong and positive morale in the guild/clan and that it also helps with recruiting strong, same minded players. Its also fun!
    How do you feel about PvP?
    I live for it. However, hasn't been a decent PvP system the past few years I've enjoyed. Last one I loved was Warhammer Online.
    Are you able to dedicate 2-3 nights and 2-3 hours on each of those nights per week to guild specific functions?
    Do you plan on playing any other MMO while playing WildStar Online?
    Have you been a part of any other Xen of Onslaught division? If so, which ones and do you have anyone who would recommend you?
    Aion, WoW, FPS Division, SWTOR, GW2, FF14
    Referred by?
    Doc, Bishop, Alavander, Q, Kyoji
    Have you read the WildStar Division Information thread and agree to abide by the guidelines within?
    Certify that you have requested to join the WildStar Permissions Group (availible by editing your profile) by selecting YES.
  2. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Thanks for your application. The second part of the application process will be a quick TeamSpeak discussion. When would you be available?
  3. I'm off on Monday and Tuesday so I'm on all day, otherwise it will be after 19:00EST.

    I've been hanging out in the Wildstar channel the past 2 days, haven't seen anyone.

    I'm on right now, will be on for the next 9 hours probably. Ill be in FF14 channel.
  4. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Spoke with in TeamSpeak on 1/28. Approved.