Skilledspell's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Skilledspell, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. Skilledspell

    Skilledspell Guest

    Aion (NA) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    What do you like about your job class?
    Rangers have awesome burst, good CC, level really fast, hardly take damage, and have some of the best looking weapons in the game. Stealth has saved me many times too. I love my ranger :D
    What is your level (Suggested Level of 40+)
    Do you have any 40+ alts? Would you be willing to join them to legion?
    I don't have any alts, I do have a 30 gladiator but at the moment I'm uncertain if I'l be continuing to level him later.
    Would you consider yourself more of a PvP or PvE oriented player and why?
    PvP player, the thrill of fighting other players is awesome, and the taste of fresh asmodian blood is tasty. I am always up for a good instance run. I am always up for improving PvP and PvE skills. Love group pvp a lot too, and instances like Dredgion, pve and pvp.
    What Legion(s) were you previously with and why did you leave?
    Shadow BloodOnslaught; I left because guild had tons of drama and not too many active players, but mainly because the guild leader would only go on like 2 hours a month.
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I chose Xen of Onslaught because I see many of the players participating in PvP, dredgion, instances and the players seem to be very active, I see almost 10+ a day just from me leveling. All the XoO members i've been in a group with or have chatted with were very friendly, helping, and awesome.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    I don't fully understand the question, but i'l try; I have played MMOs before, such as Dragon Nest, Fiesta, RoM, RuneScape, and many more which I can't remember =P. As for Aion experience, i'm only level 49, but i have PvPed before, and have done many instances.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I am very active, some may say addicted xD, and I participate in activities such as instances, PvP, chats and discussions. I am also mature for a 16 year old, I don't act childish, argue, fight, and create drama. I also have a great attitude and personality :D
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I organise and participate in pvp, instances and discussions. I also am pretty good at thinking of new ideas, strategies, etc.
    Do you have a referral? If not, where did you hear about us?
    Someone posted in LFG, i dont know who though.
    A little bit about yourself?
    Well I don't think my real name was asked, so my name is Chirag, 16 and I'm from India and live in Canada. I am very sociable, so i love to chat and do group activites. And I'm also always up to help people if its something i can help with, such as elten or verteron campaigns. Idk if this fits but im a vegetarian.
    Do you have a sense of humor?
    Well, most of my humor is very bad puns, but they are so bad I'd like to say they are funny. I also have my sudden moments of comedy genius :D
    Do you like marshmallows?
    Unfortunately I cannot eat them because they have gelitin T_T... but the first time I ate them i didnt know they had them and man, it was an explosion of amazingness in my mouth. They are awesome! They are also the BEST to play with, so squishy :D
    Activity level?
    60+ for the next 2 months, after that 30+
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the Aion (NA) usergroup?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2012
  2. Thank you for applying to Xen of Onslaught! We are currently reviewing your application. :)
  3. Hello Chirag!

    Thank you for considering Xen Of Onslaught as your next home here on Aion! Unfortunately, due to our community age requirements we can not accept your application. We hope to see you around in game and if you ever need a group for anything, please feel free to contact us! We're always looking for great friendly players to enjoy the game with us.

    We hope you continue to enjoy the game and we also wish you happy hunting!

    Aion (NA) Recruitment Officer