League of Legends SirPurplePeopleEater's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by SirPurplePeopleEater, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. Planetside 2 Application
    How old are you?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone?
    Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at ALL times?
    In-Game Name?
    Why did you choose XoO?
    Sounds like you guys have fun while kicking tr/nc ass
    North America
    Activity level?
    20+ hrs a week
    What are your normal play times? (be general ex 6pm -10pm)
    What is your favorite class to play?
    What is your favorite vehicle to use?
    You’re standing at a Sunderer, an enemy tank approaches over the nearest hiiltop. What do you do?
    Alert squad about tank location.
    If the sunderer is set to squad/platoon try and move the sunderer out of line of sight/fire of the tank which would give us more time to react to the tank.
    You’re standing at a Sunderer, an enemy air-unit approaches in the distance. What do you do?
    Alert squad, then depending on if the air unit has spotted our sunderer pull a burster max or lockon launcher and engage.
    In your opinion, which vehicle is most important to the game?
    Sunderers. Spawn points are everything in ps2
    In your opinion, which class is most important to the game?
    medic, getting rezed is faster then spawning again.
    Which of these traits most accuratly reflects your approach to gaming.
    • Competitive
    What type of Outfit are you looking for?
    • Competitive
    Do you have a referral?
    How did you hear about XoO?
  2. He's a very active player, he's been playing on Mattherson with another outfit that is unorganized. I told him to give us a try. He's BR56 on Mattherson and has just been waiting for account-wide unlocks so he can bring his gear over to Waterson.
  3. The next step in the application process will be for you to get onto our Teamspeak server and then hop into game with us. Once you're in-game We'll get you an Outfit invite and set you to recruit status. After a few play sessions we'll complete the interview process and you'll become a full member.

    I've PM'd you the information for our Teamspeak server, log in and look for one of our Planetside 2 Command Team, any of whom should be able to help you further.
    Command Team: Daibar, imb0r3d, Paramecium, Scarr, Eska, Prime, LordRegis, SpartanZero (WeaponZero), Kyoji, 660/12, Q, UmbraUrsa, Flack
  4. short interview given.
    added to outfit
    added to tracker
    given the once over on the TS rules and the CoC
  5. Xoobie interview given. Member Forum Access Granted. TS Status updated to Xoobie.

    ***I'm currently unable to log into PS2 - couldn't set outfit status to Xoobie yet....
  6. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    Needs to be promoted to full member
  7. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    given members tag on TS
  8. member left for other outfit on waterson, no notification or anything.
    application denied.
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