Silverleaf's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Silverleaf, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. Silverleaf

    Silverleaf Banned

    Guild Wars Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    S I L V E R L E A F
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your prefered playstyle?
    Which Campaign(s) do you own/planning to purchase?
    • Prophecies
    • Factions
    • Nightfall
    What kinds of activities are you interested in?
    Teamplay, accomplishments ingame.
    Please list any accomplishments you may have earned.
    50/50 full HoM in gw1
    Best time to contact In-Game?
    atm I am in AION, this is for GW2 Preperation
    How long have you been playing GW?
    5 years
    What are you good at? What builds/professions do you usually play? What weaknesses do you find yourself having?
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    ehmm...I started with tv-tennis and tried played more then I remember
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I know XoO from gw1 & AION
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    Teamplaying nutty game nerdette :)
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    all I know about gw1 & 2 + help
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    Write something about me? Whatever for? Ohhww...well...ehmmm..Female Game Nerd working as a IT Proces Manager for the Goverment of my country with an MBTI of an INTJ. Lol..that won't do...well..ehhmm...just silly old me then :).
    Activity level?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the GW1 usergroup?
  2. Nova Sungold

    Nova Sungold Guild Wars CO

    Sorry about that time lag, its holiday season and people are a little distracted.
    We'll process your application soon.
  3. Hi Silver, sorry, usually am alot quicker at this - have recently returned from having my phone line spiked.

    Anyways - your application is fine - Can you please message either myself, Aaralyn Silverdawn, Nova Sungold to get a an invite - or catch us on TS. We have a few officers away on Holidays atm, so things are a little quite over the break.

    We don't have many Dervish mains in guild, would be nice to see some variety !
  4. Havent managed to catch you online much Silverleaf, Ive got you on my list - hope to catch you soon ^-^
  5. Silverleaf

    Silverleaf Banned

    Hi on TS daily but less in-game in GW since I am a 50/50 there. I hope with the dervish reworks there be more D/ 's around though ;-).

    I mainly applied to be there in GW2. Cause I will be there daily & am a XoO-bie forever.

    I'll try and catch either of you one way or the other ;-)
  6. Silverleaf

    Silverleaf Banned

  7. Hey. Sorry, don't really check these forums much.

    We have a separate usergroup for GW2. Check under User CP: Networking: Group Memberships.
  8. Given that you're an existing XoO member you're automatically allowed access but because this thread is really old now and you're not actively playing GW1 I've moved this out of the pending forum. Contact one of our officers if you want to join the GW guild; there's a roster up in the GW section for forum and in-game names.