Silverleaf's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Silverleaf, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. Silverleaf

    Silverleaf Banned

    Aion (EU) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    What is your current level?
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Guildwars (& a lot of "older" games ever since humans got the internet ;-)
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I know XoO from GW & was impressively adresses by Darkpheonix in AION.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I am a teamplayer, knowing full well that I have alway's more things to learn.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    Help & what I know from the game.
    What do you want from the guild?
    Teamspirit, teamplay, sharing of game knowledge to be better players and achieve goals together.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    well...ehmmm..Female Game Nerd working as a IT Proces Manager for the Goverment of my country with an MBTI of an INTJ. Lol..that won't do...well..ehhmm...just silly old me then :).
    Activity level?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the Aion (EU) usergroup?
  2. Thank you for your application, just need to get you in team speak to finish your application, the details are: Port: 9987.
  3. Silverleaf

    Silverleaf Banned

    Am patiently in the "applicants waiting room"...and have to modify voice still. (Done)
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010