Seven, ign Sgorl

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Seven, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. Seven

    Seven Guest

    Warhammer Online Recruitment

    ~Membership Requirements~

    1. You must be atleast 18 years old. I have that beat by a bunch.

    2. A working mic and Ventrilo. Check

    3. Destruction side only. Check

    4. "Regular" play will be required to maintain your membership.
    If you are planning on being gone for more than 2 weeks please contact your division leaders.


    Old members:

    Q. What XoO Divisions are you currently part of?

    A. Aion NA.

    List atleast 3 other members who can vouch for you.


    I am re-upping my subscription to check out the new content and format of the game. I loved WAR, but since I could only afford 1 game, I decided to go to AIon. I am not sure what I'll do with WAR, just gonna check it out again and see, but I'd love to get in the guild again so I have people to talk to/play with while I'm evaluating. My toon is a 40/46ish Squig.
  2. Niceeeee.
  3. Seven

    Seven Guest

  4. just contact one of the officer's in game and they can take care fo you
  5. hackface

    hackface Banned

    excelent, please contact me in-game so we can complete the interview process, and as always thank you for choosing the xen of onslaught warhammer division, im sure you will enjoy what we have in store for you.