Black Desert Seubal's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Seubal, Dec 9, 2016.

  1. Seubal

    Seubal Member Black Desert Member

    Are you over 18?:
    Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    What previous gaming experience do you have?:
    WoW: Cleared everything up to including Sunwell in TBC, Played some WotLK/Cata but was more casual. In WoD my guild finished US 118.

    FFXIV: Played this after finishing WoD and got to A8S when Midas was current. Didn't clear due to unstable roster.
    What is your time zone?:
    What times are you regularly able to play?:
    Mon-Fri 6pm-12am MST (8pm-2am EST)
    Sat/Sun Generally anytime after 10am (12pm EST)
    Do you have a member referral?:
    Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why?:
    In general I'm more of a PvE player but am aware there isn't much in BDO so I will be more PvP focused when I get up to speed.
    Where did you hear about us?:
    BDO Forums
    Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught?:
    I joined a friend's guild when I first started for buffs and it's very dead so I'm looking to move on to somewhere more active and relevant as I gear up for PvP.

    (I started on Oct 29 and am trying to gear/level up as best I can with a job, I'm level 57@32% and expect to be 58 before the end of 2016.)
    What is your main character's name?:
    What is your family name?:
    What is your main class?:
    What is your main character's AP?:
    What is your main character's DP?:
    Can you make most Node Wars times on the weekend?:
  2. sounds like you are moving along just fine, will send you the ts info. i wont be around for a while yet tho
  3. Darvos

    Darvos Veteran CO

    Integrated added to usergroup. on 24hr CD