SETI girls

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by NSman, May 17, 2011.

  1. ...because all girls really want to know is whether there's actually any intelligent life out there! :D

  2. good thing they are smart cuz ewww cant sing dance or look good haha
  3. What Erock said :\ But there was one cute one! :p
  4. My ears, why are they bleeding so profusely?
  5. LOL it's like you guys were expecting supermodels or something.

    Smart is sexy too! I don't meet nearly enough girls with a good grasp of quantum chromodynamics! It's seriously disappointing. :(
  6. listen i have met a few really intelligent females before that have been super sexy and hot ... however most that are super smart are dorky ugly and over weight ... i myself can not handle that as i am very into sports and hygiene and fitness just wouldnt work out haha
  7. That video was entertaining for what it was, and it looked like they had fun making it. :)
  8. Wasn't SETI suspended a couple weeks ago? Slightly disappointing :/
    And ya, the girl in the middle of the coffee part was really cute.

    And ya, I have met a couple really hot girls who were really smart like that. Physics majors, doing a bunch of quantum physics stuff. I didnt even know those people even existed until one of them came up to me cause she thought my shirt was really cool. The shirt said "Resistance is futile. (if > 1 ohm)"
  9. No, they just moved from Arecibo to NRAO at Green Bank...Well; actually yes too, because they lost the Allen telescope, but that's not really the whole program. It's actually better than Arecibo though, because they can check out stars with planets in the habitable zone that Kepler found last year from there. Arecibo wasn't quite able to look in the right direction for that because it's too far south. Green Bank also has a wider band, so they can pick up more alien TV channels. :D

    No more pretending they're in Goldeneye though. ;)

    (EDIT: It's all run out of Berkeley though, so it's not like they're actually going to BE there. I don't think, anyway. They're just going to sponge some data.)
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  10. huh?
  11. I have the sudden urge to bash my face repeatedly into a plastic bag of broken glass.
  12. I used to crunch data for SETI a few years back. Havent done that for a while though.

    Ahmagaad! Nerdy girls!



    ....I want one! :D