
Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Serilla, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. Serilla

    Serilla Banned

    Age (18+ Requirement): 24

    Name (Forum & IGN): Forum: Serilla ; IGN: Serilla

    Class: Cleric

    Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes both

    Previous gaming experience: Runes of Magic, Warhammer, LOTRO.

    Why did you chose XoO: My team chose this guild and they can't play without me the guild looks good. We have been looking into different guilds wanting to find a mature group to play with and this place seemed perfect.

    Do you have a referal?: Serph0822, Wizardvivi, Zyxth, August, & Xero

    A little bit about yourself: I am 24 Female in San Diego, Ca. Have a 4 yr old son, a bf (serph0822), dog, and cat. Haven't been gaming forever but got addicted when serph introduced me to it, lol. So I don't know everything but I am learning. I love having fun and the social aspect of getting to know everyone in guild. Ya so that's enough for now haha.

    Apply to usergroup: I will
  2. Serilla

    Serilla Banned

    Thanks...glad to be here too!
    Ya vivi is awesome. I'll be on later, in a few hours or so.
  3. Serph

    Serph Banned

    Geez babe finally registored lol I've been on forums all day checking it out hmmm I should really be doing work at work o well I'll work extra hard tomorrow...or not
  4. Serilla

    Serilla Banned

    Oh...shush!! Sorry that I actually had to work today... :p

    I'll be on all day tomorrow....haha!!
  5. welcome both of you hope you stay long

    hope to play with you both real soon!
  6. Serilla

    Serilla Banned

    Ya definetly...maybe we will go on cbt just to play with the guild.