Selling Ships

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Chat' started by Kyoji, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. I will more than likely be busy as a beaver with Archeage so I figure I won't be able to really put the time into the game as I would like. I can gift the ships to people so they get sent to your account. I have 2 ships.

    The first is the Super Hornet - $180
    Starting Money: 5,000 UEC
    Lifetime Insurance
    Digital Game Soundtrack
    Digital Star Map
    Digital Squadron 42 Manual
    Beta Access
    Alpha Access
    Squadron 42 Digital Download
    Star Citizen Digital Download
    Digital Star Citizen Manual

    The second is the Retaliator - $250
    Lifetime Insurance

    I am pretty sure those are the prices for each if you were to buy them back in November 2013. If not feel free to correct me. I looked at my paypal statements and searched the RSI forums to find the numbers. Both come with LTI (Lifetime Insurance) which is unobtainable and both ships are unobtainable. The Super Hornet is largely considered to be the best fighter and the Retaliator is the largest bomber class ship.

    I could probably sell these for more privately, but I would rather give the chance for a XoO member to get them and be better off for release.
  2. I would buy the Retaliator, if I had $250.
  3. DeadDuck

    DeadDuck Veteran Star Citizen Member

    I might take you up on the superhornet I have to check budgets
  4. Well I am in a place where I could use the extra money so if anyone is interested feel free to give me a chat. I may even work a special deal whereby if you purchase both I can sell them for $380 giving a $50 discount off what it cost me originally. So not only would you get two unobtainable ships with LTI (especially the large retaliator which would cost quite a bit) you would get them at a price lower than they were on sale for.
  5. Jes

    Jes Veteran Crowfall Member

    very tempting....hmmmm the LTI alone is telling me to buy it
  6. senekz

    senekz Guest

    i have a friend who wanted the shornet
  7. Looks like a few people seem interested. I will give deference to anyone wanting both, but other than that first come first serve. Just got to find me online and actually awake or not at work. =P
  8. Well I had like 5 people message me originally then seems like everyone forgot about it I guess. Well if no one wants them here I will sell them offsite. Last chance. Message me if you are interested.
  9. senekz

    senekz Guest

    Just told my friend what you told me in private. Good luck
  10. DeadDuck

    DeadDuck Veteran Star Citizen Member

    I thought you said you were reconsidering and keeping them?
  11. check the timelines on the posts.
  12. DeadDuck

    DeadDuck Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Yea about that....
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