
Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Senuui, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. Senuui

    Senuui Guest

    I,m studying gamedesign at the moment and have my assignment for about next month to make a simple game with keymovement, a win and loss condition and a particle system ( wich can be as easy as you can make it lol)

    Now to get my distinction i decided i wanted mouse movement ( think of RPG'S / RTS Games) that when i simply click somewhere on the ground my character starts moving. Unfortunatelly it sounds easier than it is.

    there's loads of Math comming in when were talking about scripting. so i was unable to figure this out ( as i,m not pro yet nor know where to look)

    my question was. If there's Anyone with the experience with either 3d engines or scripting this in 2/3d. Could you help me out by either showing me where to look/what to use or posting the script ( prefferably with comments)

    Should be able to confert it from basic script to engine specific ( were using dxworld to start with and go over to Unity soon enough )

    not sure wether i will get a reply here but i tough it could be worth a try as i know there ARE people into coding/scripting in Xoo.

    thanks in advanced.
  2. I am just finish a similar class but sadly I cannot help you with scripting... I did everything else lol.
  3. You should talk to Saffaya, he's into scripting.
  4. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    Unfortunately these sorts of things I figure out as I go, and I haven't done a lot of linear algebra-related programming, so I don't have a great deal of advice on this one...
  5. Senuui

    Senuui Guest

    I,ve gone into it with another tutor and am close to the result. Now whenever i move the mouse it faces towards it ( the character) t should be a short step to get there. will post the code as soon as i can open the file ( cant open the file with my own current dxstudio )
  6. Senuui

    Senuui Guest

    shit..... file corrupted. think this topic is as good as dead then >.<.