Screen Tearing

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by trancet, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. trancet

    trancet Veteran

    I will try that 0,0 then when i get home.

    And if i hadnt fried my 2x other 7950's, video processing power wouldnt be such a problem. >_<
  2. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    Oh i hear you... about 18 months ago I had a cat that decided to get territorial and start marking... his first target was the back of my rackmounted server.... got the video card exhaust outlet square.. Impressive aim, really. Fried the shit out everything... god awful disgusting mess. had to replace everything and neuter the cat.
  3. trancet

    trancet Veteran

    Well i tried that 0,0 deal, did not notice a difference, the odd man out dvi connected monitor still tears.

    But with amd's announcement the 8xxx series doesn't come out tell year, a 7970 lightning should be a good buy.
  4. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    thanks for giving this a shot. This gives me ammo... But, on the bright side, the test did teach us a number of things. Notably, we can be resonably sure its the DVI clock not properly syncing with the displayports (or vice versa) since you've seen the tearing move to whatever monitor is using the dvi port. That could be a an issue at the card or the monitor. If its the card well thats surprising, because this was supposed to be fixed in January.
    I've done a bit more research on this issue, and I find others that have tearing on their dvi and displayport setups... most claim its because the lag is introduce by the displayport. But, in most of these reports, the user is working with a dp to DVI adapter.. so thats not really a valid comparison. Cearly, the best solutions is to try and keep the ports all the same. Gives you some food for thought in your research for a new card. I think I will stay with only DVI- my current latency-free setup. best of luck!
  5. DVI clock can meet or exceed any other output clock speed. DVI has no upper limit and is capable of putting out 450MHz pixel clock easily. That is enough bandwidth for 4K resolution, 1080p with full 7.1 audio on the same cable like HDMI has or even 1440p @ 130Hz (ya, 130 even). It may be a limiting factor from some issue in the drivers trying to output on DVI plus display ports, but the DVI port itself is not necessarily the problem. As you said it could be an issue because Displayport has higher latency, and both DP outputs have their same latency and the DVI doesnt know what to do well enough to compensate.

    As a side note, Nvidia cards have RAMDAC's spec'ed to 500MHz pixel clock for their output. Officially Nvidia advertises them as 400MHz since that is the standard, but the actual chips are rated for 500MHz output clock. AMD cards have been only spec'ed to 400MHz, which still shouldnt be a problem for most people. That is much higher than most output specifications.
  6. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    I certainly dont think its a limitation of the port... I'm starting to lean more towards the issue being further down the pipeline... as in the monitors..
  7. trancet

    trancet Veteran