
Discussion in 'News and Current Events' started by Corpseater, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. Corpseater

    Corpseater Guest

    New orleans saints for super bowl champs 2010
    C/D discuss =)
  2. Turn off Madden, cuz it's screwing with your brain, my Colts are taking their 2nd Lombardi trophy this decade, thanks.

    And, I'd hate to see my college QB face off against my Colts just be, to, to painful.
  3. Collard

    Collard Guest

    Go Saints!
  4. Well my Colts are going let's see if your boys can finish the game, or at least kill Farve.
  5. Phaymis

    Phaymis Veteran

    Not to stir the pot, and it might have been a moot point anyways, but what the hell was that pass interferance in overtime? There was no way he would have had a chance to catch that football. And followed with a ball cradled of the turf? Man, they probably would have won anyways on that drive, but the refs didnt make it very hard for them. I am cheering for the saints now though, I hate Manning even though hes amazing.
  6. You and I are now mortal enemies. :)

    I'm just amazed that with 5 turnovers it still went to OT. It was a really ugly game, I think there was what 8 fumbles? They must've put butter on that ball the way it was popping out of everyone's hands.
  7. J E T S JET JET.... oh wait.. LAWL..

    Anyways.. COLTS FTW...

    I really really REALLY wanted a vikings colts game.. that at least would be 2 gunslingers who would match up really well.

    The past vs the present so to speak..
  8. this is about as bad as you're fail views on the BCS... are you implying that Brees isn't a "gunslinger"? Manning and Brees both have over 4k yards through the air over for every year since 2006... I believe i heard that 27 Saint's have scored a TD this year and Brees has 1 more TD throw and 5 less INT's than Manning

    as for Favre: Favre started in '91, Manning '98 and Brees '01. 10 years would put the new vs old as this week if you consider 8 years "new"
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  9. I love Drew for the simple fact that when he left Purdue people kept going on and on about how he'd never amount to anything in the NFL. I really want the Colts to win but either way I won't be completely heart broken.

    I would've like the Vikings to be there as well with AP's hands and Farve having his ribs broken would've been a lot of fun for Freeney and Mathis.
  10. Colts. sorry, but I've just always been a PM fan.
  11. I was hoping for the jets, since Shonn Green went to Iowa.

    I think it could be a pretty good game. I am going for the Saints. I went for the Colts the last time they played. It's someone else's turn to win. :)
  12. I went for the Bears the last time the Colts played.

  13. Snarfblat

    Snarfblat Guest


    Luv me some Saints!

    And I've been stuck in Coltsville this winter...;)
  15. Yo, if you're in Indy you should definitely check this out as it's only for another week.

    St. Elmos is the greatest steakhouse in Indy if not the midwest, I've been to almost every place here in Chicago and quite a few in the Ohio region, the only one I've found that truly competes is The Precinct. A 3 course for $30 is a crazy good deal, as it's usually $200 for 2.
  16. Snarfblat

    Snarfblat Guest

    Thanks Vandiego!

    I'm stuck in the tall corn about an hour north of Indy. My mother retired a couple of years ago and decided to start a small-town newspaper...I know, print is dead...

    But as the Alpha Nerd in our family I got coerced into spending the winter up here helping her get set up.

    Heading back to N'Awlins the end of Feb.

    Hopefully I'll have some gaming time once I get home - it's been a bleak winter.
  17. Saint's would simply be history making and I hope they pull out a win.
  18. Hush you blasphemer... They barely beat Minnesota AND they had to do it in OT.

    Manning is going to pick apart the 25th ranked defense in the league and just destroy them.

    I seriously doubt that the Colts will turn the ball over 7 times...
  19. YA GOTTA YELL!!!


    GO HORSE!!!
  20. Oh.. my..god..

    That was terrible Van.. jeez..