Rutice, MM, Hunter

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Rutice, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Rutice

    Rutice Guest

    1. Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory):

    Rutice, Hunter, 7.57.7, Off spec changeable

    Swapping gear in and out at the moment, correct gearing should show:
    Hand grips frost and sleet (heroic) and pauldrons of lost hope (heroic)

    2. Explain your talent selection (theory crafting source, specialization choices etc):

    Currently I am at 7.08% Hit so I changed my spec slightly to benefit my self by buffing rapid recoup, which gives more mana back while popping cool downs thus extending my time out of viper. I also picked up TSA for raid utility because there is already a 3/3 HM hunter in our raid.

    I am glyph'ed to maximum possible dps out put according to spreads.

    With current gearing I am maximizing dps with this spec, compared to any others with current itemization.

    I am using a g15 Macro'd board with 1-5 on auto repeat (while pressed) to minimize human casting error.

    I am currently using female dwarf as my main source of dps calculation, however ArP does not scale correctly until 90% arp is reached on the spread. I also TC with hunters lodge / EJ is outdated but useful as a starter guide, Petopia, I currently log WoL to compare Gear vs dps out put.

    3. Your Age: 24

    4. Current professions and their raid benefit:

    Jewel crafting, On the fly ability to cut my own gems, I have some common gems as well for raid as well. Also for self benefit it gives additional buff on gems.

    Leather working, Have had since bc, Currently gives 130 ap to gloves, also have many patterns from ICC / ToC able to craft for raid.

    5. How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished:

    I started playing wow at the end of Vanilla, I was playing guild wars / Diablo ii prior.

    BC progression Kara/SSC/ZA/Gruuls
    Wrath - 3 Drake 25 man Pre - Ulduar, EoE, Naxx (Many achievements 18 aboms, ext.)
    Ulduar - Was deployed for USAF for a short period, Hold 85th World Hodir downing, I believe another world top 100 as well.
    ToGc 4/5 10
    ICC- 10/12 Ten Man HM, 25 M 8/12 HM.

    6. Describe how you theory craft your class (websites, spreadsheets, etc):

    The main discrepancy I attempt to craft around is spread vs actual damage / healing. Spread sheets can show say 11k Max dps output, actual with ICC buff would show around 12-13k, which leaves us with around 1.9k difference in dps. Now I can assume that there is no perfect human, and 100 % up-time is virtually impossible so we see now that the dps player is only up 82% of the time correctly, Why is there such a large gap, and is is possible to be fixed?

    What I have done to personally solve these issue's is to macro targets by name and encounter, to maximize up time. Currently In 80% of my raids I am holding 95+% up time which means for my gear / rotation while cast correctly I am maximizing my time on target which relates to higher overall damage.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, schedule, etc):

    Own home, I am a GI bill student. I am taking one lab if it is open, will not conflict with raids.

    8. List scheduling conflicts (include times for possible weekend 10mans):

    Military drill, Pre-set schedule released when needed.

    9. Guild History - where are you leaving and why:

    Shattered Hand

    Relentless - Was deployed while in guild, returned and guild was falling apart

    The Underbog-
    Yippie Ki Yay / Peechy Keen - GM Change over
    Perseverance - Guild xfer
    Rare Candies - Gm change / Xfer


    Destructo Beam - Looking to raid more often, summer time blues.

    10. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild:

    I played with twin blades several times

    11. List your raid consumables and your method for maximizing them:

    Hearty Rhino, 40 Armor pen, Elixir of armor pen, Elixir of mighty thoughts, Pet treats 30 strength. ARROWS... sorry just had to include that. I have about 5 stacks of eternal shadows just in case some one forgets arrows... or people don't make them.

    I farm mats on my DK farmer on my off day enough for at least a week or month at a time while I'm bored. I have a g bank loaded with random mats in case I run low at any point.

    12. Provide your raid damage/healing performance. Examples are Recount Screen shot with personal breakdown of attacks, WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs:

    13. Provide a screen shot of your UI:


    I play on a 40 inch screen so the icons are much smaller than they appear, aslo I condensed them down into 3 rows / with a targeting / MD side box for organization.
    I constantly change my ui here is a more recent pic.

    14. Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)?


    15. Final comments you feel could help your application:

    Looking to get back into raiding we have been doing normal modes for a while getting bored.

    I know most of your mains out gear me but I have the skill and ability to keep up, just need gear (in time) to match and compete with every one.

    Thanks for reading hope to hear back!
  2. Ologhai

    Ologhai WoW Sargeras CO

    Your gear has some gaping holes - trinket and legs are first two that come to mind. Did you ever consider the BOE craftable legs from ICC - leather or mail scale about the same with mail slightly ahead. There are also 10 man HM upgrades - your bread and butter should be HM crimson halls. Your theory is fine although I would like to see a damage meter on a fight like rotface and I would like to know how you open fights to maximize your dps. Also why blood elf over orc?
  3. Rutice

    Rutice Guest

    I have considered the BoE Legging's however I was on the path of giving back to my guild with Saronites for Upgrades to new people because I could carry my weight due to horrible attendance we had to recruit 4k gs - 5 k gs and our gm was crafting shit for them. I have all mats for my own BoE legs and will be crafted tonight just need one more saronite as of this morning. As for Crimson Halls, Our guild does not Run 10 mans except for one group, and I am not in that group, because it is a set of raiders pretty much from vanillia who have raided together for years. I attempt to pug it every week, and you have probably seen my annoying macro looking specifically for BP.BQ hm's in tens.

    (I used all the remaining frost badges to finish my damn legs so that will be a major jump for my toon tonight.)

    One last rage on gear, Our gm thought it wise to give a new hunter a LK Xbow, a Player who ditched the game my Heroic DBW, AND He ninja'd the leather bracers off Saurfang heroic for himself. I know the gear is there I just have yet to receive it.

    Lastly This toon was created two weeks after BC launch and I'm poor give me a break!

    I open up with Mark (If im stuck doing marks), Serpent To get the dot rolling, NOT Aimed, Chimera, Aimed (Rapid Fire Macro - Multiple skills proc'd at once + potion), Steady spam. Once on the 14 Second mark I pop Readiness which is when Chimera and Aimed should be on fresh CD, Chimera / Aimed, Rapid fire >> Steady spam. Normally I see spikes of damage close to 15-17k during the intial bombardment of arrows phase then normalizes off into the rolling 10-12k depending on group and if my OT is kiting a slime into my face.

    Lastly I'll see if I can dig up a heroic rot face parse I probably have one kicking around for yah!
  4. Rutice

    Rutice Guest

    Legs completed, don't suppose any one has some fresh chitten's?
  5. Rutice

    Rutice Guest

  6. why dont yall have a enhance shaman.......
  7. Rutice

    Rutice Guest

    We did... hes gone... summer time blues. I would like to approximate 1/3 of our core raiders are some how magically gone from raiding. Nuttz was our core enhance shaman and officer, and he is gone...

    P.S. your animation is hilarious.
  8. Joined Invalid.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010