roxbip's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by roxbip, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. roxbip

    roxbip Guest

    TERA (EU) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    What are you looking for in a community/guild and how do you feel XoO will forfill your needs
    well for a first i really looking for meeting the people and know them because if ill get in besides the gameplay, the people are much more importent, i was in alot of guilds in other games and i stayed only with the ones with the good people. i also want to meet some new friends from the world, its allways good to know people plus my english can get better.
    why do you think you will fit in on your previous awnser
    like i said, i played a lot of games in my life and not just mmo, i mean all kinds: shooting,stadegy,mmo, name it. but on the past few years i like more and more mmo. im very dedicated to the games i play and its a little hard to get me out of them.
    What is your focus on in the game
    i like pve and pvp. most of the time i was the leader in the groups in dungeons because i had this tactic head like my friends say plus i always was a range class so i saw everything on the battle. as for pvp i really like it but i more a pve player, dont get me wrong, i know how to fight people good really good.
    Are we the first guild you join in this game
    Link us your Glyph build using the glyph builder and explain wy you picked those glyphs
    i dont have yet
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    my first games were mu online and knight online but i quickly migret to wow when it was launched. i played wow since the start till now, the game start to be boring and people there arent nice anymore. bisede this i played guild wars for many years too, accualy i invented some builds there ( but its history now). i aslo played risk your life, sc2, and much more games that i cant remember now.
    What is your activity level?
    when i played wow it was something like 5-6 hours a day. maybe more...i hope it will be the same here.
    When will your activity level be the highest
    weekends. i study now at Tuesday and Thursday but i hope it will not interfere my game time.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    my name is matan and im from israel, i like rock music but dont have problem with other kind of music. i like to heng out with my friends at the local bar. most of the time im the joker in my group, sometimes i dont have limits with my jokes. i hate people who think they know everything and stupid people Generally.i also hate people who talk really loud because they have to say last word. im fun person and i hope you will like me =]
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
  2. you know our TS information.. ill pull you appart for an interview later on.
  3. roxbip

    roxbip Guest

    no problem